Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Is it really Tuesday the 12th of August?  What in the world happened to the last week??????  We attended Raspberry Days and were gone for 4 days a couple of weeks ago and last week was our County Fair.  My Ghavan decided to join the Rodeo Club just in time for us to work 40 hours in the rodeo club food booth at the fair last week.  Whew, what a long couple of weeks.  Thank goodness Eric and I only worked one night, but the boys worked three days and it was super busy!!  Chloee entered four projects through the 4-H program and did awesome.  (We have never entered anything in to the fair, so this was a first for us).  She took two first places and two second places and she got paid $9.00!!!  That covered one of the yummy drinks we had at the fair - LOL.  All in all it was a wonderful couple of weeks, but talk about exhausted.  I think the last couple of nights we have caught up on sleep and that is a good thing because school is right around the corner.  Whew!!

So Back To Our Blog......
We have a couple of SALE ITEMS to post today!! This was an item we designed for Swiss Days and we sold out!!  
Live - Laugh - Love Sign
This sign is 32" Wide x 12" Tall.  Available in all three color shown.  Comes with burlap bow on the right side.
Perfect CHRISTMAS Gift.
ON Sale - $32.00
Order 4 or more and receive for
$25.00 Each
(Our BUY NOW option is not working at this time, however if you would like to purchase this item using your Paypal Account or a credit/debit card we would be happy to send you an invoice through Paypal or take your CC number)

Our Second SALE ITEM is another great Autumn Item.
Pumpkin w/Moon Door Hanger
20" Tall x 12" Wide
On Sale - $23.00
(Pumpkin is three pieces wired together- Love this look)
***(Our BUY NOW option is not working at this time, however if you would like to purchase this item using your Paypal Account or a credit/debit card we would be happy to send you an invoice through Paypal or take your CC number)***

To place an order for our sale item(s), please email us at ontheavenuelogan@gmail.com.  We would be happy to send you an invoice through Paypal which allows you to pay for this item using your Paypal account or a credit/debit card.  We also accept credit cards, checks or cash.

Shipping is available and will be calculated on an individual basis.  If you are interested in a quote for shipping, please email us your complete shipping address.

We also never posted our drawing winner for the super cute birdhouse we posted forever ago!!  Congratulations to
Tara Nielsen

Today's DRAWING item is FANTASTIC!!!
Pumpkins For Sale Sign -
24" Wide x 12" Tall
Retail Value - $24.00
If you would like your name added to our drawing this week, please email us at ontheavenuelogan@gmail.com  Have a great day!!!
We WILL be back here tomorrow with another fantastic sale item!!

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