Monday, October 13, 2014

Good Morning Friends!!!
Can I just say last week was absolutely CRAZY!!!!  We had seven Super Saturday's to get out the door and three more sets of samples for three Super Saturdays in the future.  Needless to say, I didn't have a minute to blog.  But we are back today!!!

Check Out Today's SALE ITEM........

Breast Cancer Awareness.....
As most everyone knows, October is the month for Breast Cancer Awareness.  I am kind of ashamed of myself because I myself am a breast cancer survivor and I haven't done anything to promote this amazing month.  To be honest....... I think it is because I am still a little shocked and freaked out that I really was diagnosed with breast cancer.  I have found myself in quiet moments really thinking about our family journey through cancer and it is a very humbling experience to look back on the tender mercies that carried us through those tough times.  I know I had a very close relationship with my savior during that time.  He really carried me and I know that is why I was so strong through that time.  I find myself more scared now than I was then, and I am sure that is because I was relying on my savior so much at that time.  

For any of you who are new to our blog, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer a couple days after my 37th birthday.  It was shocking and simply a miracle that my cancer was found.  (I still feel weird saying that).  I went in for a yearly check up (that was definitely past due) and my amazing doctor found a lump on my left breast.  He recommended that I go in for my first mammogram and have things checked out.  I called my mom immediately because she had been diagnosed with Breast Cancer one year (almost to the day) before me.  She was amazing and went to the mammogram with me.  At that time, they said my left side looked find, but my right side had some concern.  They gave me the choice to have a biopsy done or go home and watch things.  Of course I knew I didn't have cancer, so I went home to watch things.  My sweet husband (who was my rock during this time) explained to his boss what was going on and she insisted that we contact the Huntsman Cancer Center.  She being a breast cancer survivor herself gave Eric her doctor's number and insisted he call.  He called on a Friday, scheduled my appointment for the following Tuesday and I received my diagnoses three days later.......    
I had Breast Cancer.......
After a lumpectomy,  double mastectomy and a year of reconstructive surgeries, I am now cancer free.   I am so blessed and so grateful I get to be here on this earth everyday raising my kids and being a wife and homemaker, because that isn't the case for everyone.

Breast Cancer is 99% curable if found early enough!!!  If you haven't gotten a mammogram, make sure you start at the age of 40.  My own opinion is if it runs in your family, get one earlier!!!  It is worth it!!!!!

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month we are offering an amazing SALE ITEM available through the month of October.  We have teamed up with a dear friend of mine (Margaret Gittins) who is the owner of 
Bread and Butter Events
This AMAZING Gift Basket is Available for only $35.00 and includes delivery anywhere in the Cache Valley Area.  Each basket includes the following items......

Basket Includes.....
Small Wooden Basket & Bow
Breast Cancer Subway Art Sign - (12" Tall x 7" Wide)
Pint of Homemade Strawberry/Raspberry Jam
Fresh Loaf of Homemade Bread 
(Not in picture)
1/2 Pint Sugar Scrub
3 - Caramel & Chocolate Dipped Pretzels
3 - Dipped Oreo's
One Giant Rice Krispy Treat
AND FREE DELIVERY Anywhere in Cache Valley!!!  Baskets will be delivered with in 72 hours of  being ordered.  If you are outside of Cache Valley you are more than welcome to pick them up from my home (Millville) or Margaret's home (Paradise).
All for $35.00
Order one for a friend who is a breast cancer survivor or who is battling breast cancer at this time.......

A Huge Thanks To All Of Our Followers!!!  We are so grateful for all of you and want to tell you all...........
Go Get Your Mammogram!!!

(Breast Cancer Survivor)
(We will announce our drawing winner tomorrow)

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