Tuesday, December 2, 2014

 Good Morning Friends...
Nothing like a little Josh Groban Christmas Music playing to get you in the Christmas Spirit.  As much as I completely love this time of year, I am fully aware that it can be a really hard time of year for some.  I must admit, that as much as I enjoy the Christmas Season (and that is a lot), I also have concerns as I think about those who are less fortunate or who are missing someone so deeply.   The greatest part about this time of year is the celebration of our Savior Jesus Christ's Birth.   Because of him, our hearts can be comforted in our great times of sorrow and heart ache.  I know this because I have experienced this.  

For many of you who do not know, my sweet husband suffers from a horrible disease in his back.  It is a disease that cannot be cured.  It is very painful and hard to live with.  He was diagnosed with this disease while he was serving a mission for the LDS church over 20 years ago.  It has been an up hill battle most of the time for him and our family, but the tender mercies from our Heavenly Father have been poured out upon us and we have truly felt his love and light in our lives. The Christmas Season has definitely been a time during our journey where we have felt his love through so many of his other children.  

In 2005 my sweet daughter was born.  Eric had quit his job to attend Utah State University.  His health was declining and doctor's told us he could no longer continue the work he was doing.  I knew beyond a doubt that this was the right thing for us to do, but at the same time we still had to pay our bills.  I look back at those four years of school and truly wonder how we did it with a mortgage, bills and three kids to raise.   Our only source of income was our small home decor business and student loans.  What a MIRACLE.  I remember the Christmas after Chloee was born very clearly.  It was later in the evening and I had just gotten out of the shower (which was probably the first shower I had that day considering I had a 6 month old baby - lol)  There was a knock on the door and a sweet lady asked me if I was Mandy.  I told her yes and she asked me if I could come outside on the porch for a minute.  I followed her out the door and sitting on my porch were three or four big black garbage bags.  She explained to me that someone knew our family was going through tough times and they wanted to help us with Christmas that year.  The crazy this is, everything from the clothes to the toys were perfect for our kids.  There were grocery gift cards, food and even presents for Eric and I.  I couldn't believe it.  I was in shock.... standing there with wet hair, in my bathrobe, holding my new baby (wrapped in a blanket of course) in the freezing cold.  Crazy enough, I wasn't cold at all.  I felt more love that night that I knew possible.  I still can't think about that Christmas without tears running down my face because that was a Christmas Miracle for us.  I will never forget on Christmas Morning when Kylan (only 7 at the time) said..... "We must have been really good this year, because Santa brought us a lot of things this year."
What a Christmas Miracle.....

Crazy enough, this has happened to us several times over the years.  We have had the 12 days of Christmas left on our porch a couple of times and another year our complete Christmas was delivered on Christmas Eve.  We were asked to fill out a wish list and with hesitancy we made very humble lists (more of our needs than wants).  The lists were returned to us and we were told that "our lists weren't going to cut it".  They wanted to know what we truly wanted and some of our biggest desires.  That is a pretty tough thing to do, so I wrote the list for Eric and he wrote mine.  I remember asking for a better mattress for him to sleep on and he asked for a small TV for our bedroom for me.  Everything that was on our lists was delivered.  Even the Denver Bronco Jersey (several days after Christmas) that my son had asked for.  I still am so humbled when I think about that Christmas.  People are so good!!!
It Truly Is The Season Of Miracles.....  

Christmas is the time where we focus on the Savior Jesus Christ.   He went about this earth sharing with everyone he knew.  He loved everyone and looked for people who were less fortunate and blessed them.  

This is our time of year to share and bless those who are less fortunate than we are. 

Today's SALE ITEM Is FREE!!!
Free because we want these items to go to someone who may need comfort and love during this holiday season. I only have 15 of this item available (I wish we could do more!).
 PLEASE carefully consider those you know who may be struggling at this time of year.  Maybe they have no employment or have lost a loved one..... Maybe they just need a little love.....  If you know of someone, please email us at ontheavenuelogan@gmail.com and let us know.  We will put one of these signs aside for you to pick up.  You are welcome to deliver it to them anonymously or give it to them in person.  Please don't mention us, just share the love our Savior has for them.  
These signs are actually painted red with white vinyl, but this is what they look like.  Each sign is 12" Tall x 7" Wide.

Thank you for spending time with us and our blog today!  We know our Savior lives and loves each one of us.  Please focus on him this holiday season and serve all those around you.  That is truly how the true meaning of Christmas enters our lives. 

Sending out Lots of Christmas Love -
Mandy, Eric, Kylan, Ghavan and Chloee

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