Monday, December 29, 2014

Where have the past couple of weeks gone??????  I can't believe Christmas came and went so quickly.  We were shuffling orders out of here until 10:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve and were so relieved that night when we finally fell into bed at 11:00.  Unfortunately, our little Chloee Bug woke up with the stomach flu on Christmas Eve morning and Eric and I were lucky enough to experience a few days with it also. Thank goodness everyone was healthy for Christmas Day!!  Hopefully that dang flu is gone now for a LONG, LONG, LONG time!!!  

I am just easing back into this working again and I have to admit, I have really enjoyed just taking care of the kids and the home these past few days.  I have missed that as the last few months were consumed with our crazy busy crafting season.   

However, winter is finally upon us and Valentine's day is just around the corner!  

We have up-dated our ETSY store with some new Valentines' Day Decor Items.   Visit our ETSY store by clicking on the link below.....

Remember, if you are local and find something you would like to order from our ETSY store, just email us instead.  If you order directly from the ETSY store, it will charge you for shipping.  Also watch our blog for other Super Snazzy Valentine's day items in the upcoming weeks....

For now...... I am going to post a few of the WINTER items we posted over the past few weeks.  Now that Christmas is over and SNOW finally came the winter items are just itching to make their way to your home.   SOME of these items are IN STOCK now, so place your order quickly!

Let It Snow,
Let It Snow,
Let It Snow ~ Sign
24" Tall x 12" Wide
Painted Dark Navy Blue with White lettering.  Love, Love, Love This Item.
On Sale - $21.00

Baby It's Cold Outside.....
LOVE THESE SIGNS!!!   Each sign is 30" Long x 8" Tall.  We have painted them Night Navy Blue and added White lettering.  It is hard to see in the picture, but the snowman in the "Baby.... It's Cold Outside" sign has a burlap string bow tie. (CUTE HUH???)
Today's SALE PRICE - 
ONLY $15.00 Each

Let It Snow
ONLY $15.00 Each

Winter Wonder Block
8" x 8" - Two Layers of Vinyl and a clear snowflake right in front.  Perfect for a friend or teacher.
On Sale - $10.00

Winter Subway Art
24" Tall x 12" Wide
Dark Blue With White Lettering
On Sale - $24.00

If you would like to place an order for any of the WINTER ITEMS above, please email us at or use the BUY NOW options above.  The BUY NOW options allow you to order and pay for these items using your Paypal Account or a credit/debit card.  

we do have some of these in stock, 
so order NOW!!!

Happy  New Year!!!

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