Monday, January 19, 2015

Good Monday Morning Everyone.....
I am still trying to wake up and it is almost noon. Just feeling a little sleepy!!  I would love to blame it on a FUN FILLED weekend, but that is not the case.   

How about a new SALE ITEM today????
You Will Forever Be My Always
Again, this is great for Everyday and Valentine's Day.  This one is going in our Master Bedroom.  
10" Wide x 12" Tall
Antique White with Black Vinyl
Black with White Vinyl
On Sale - $15.00

To place an order for Today's Sale Item, please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a credit/debit card.  

Shipping is available for only $12.00 anywhere in the U.S. (other than Hawaii and Alaska)

Also, Today is Monday!!!
That means we have a winner for last week's Weekly Drawing.  Remember these super cute LOVE Jumbo Letters.  The Lucky Winner is Cassie Briggs..
Congratulations Cassie!!
Send me an email and we can set up a time for you to pick these up.  

And we have a super awesome
Drawing Item today!!!  
A Sweet friend of mine (Kelli) has been selling this FABULOUS 3d Fiberlash Mascara.  I have seen many pictures of before and after lashes and think this is an awesome product.  She has offered to give this MASCARA Away on our blog.  

 To read more information about this fantastic Mascara, please view her Facebook page.  Give a BIG LIKE on her page and then email me back asking for your name to be entered into our drawing.  

If you have any questions, please let us know!!
Good Luck Everyone and have a super great day!!

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