Monday, February 9, 2015

Tomorrow is Ten Dollar Tuesday!!
(more about that in a minute)

It's been almost a week since I posted on this blog!!!  Last week had so many twists and turns and I am still dizzy!!!  Starting off at the top of the list was an all day (not expense paid) visit to the ER.  Not going into any more detail about that one (other than it was Eric, not myself and all is well now), taxes being done, science fair, FFA Meetings, Young Men's, Young Women's, Gymnastics and who knows what else.  This life we are all living is just so "STINKIN' CRAZY" sometimes. I guess it makes us grateful for the days that are just "Normal".  The days when nothing super crazy happens and we have more peace that chaos!!  

After such a crazy week last week, I am trying to catch up on everything we miss - TODAY!!!  The kids will be home in 15 minutes and I would love to be done posting here so when they walk in that "Sweet Loving Mother (hahaha)" is there to great them at the door.  

Oh, but I forgot to mention something TOTALLY Awesome!!!!  Tomorrow will be a Super Exciting Day on our blog......
~Ten Dollar Tuesday~
We are doing some spring cleaning and liquidating our basement inventory (hahaha, no joke!  The basement is full of finished decor items and they have got to go!)  We will be posting several items on our facebook page tomorrow through out the day that will only be $10.00.  Did you hear me???  $10.00!!!!  FIRST Come.... First Served!!  If you want it, COMMENT QUICKLY!  All of our Clearance Items Go Fast!!!
Check Out Our Facebook Page.....

Ok, Let's get down to business....
Today's SALE ITEM are perfect for St. Patrick's Day!!!
St. Patrick's Day Subway Art Sign
24" Tall x 12" Wide
Dark Green with White Lettering
On Sale - $19.00

Happy St. Patrick's Day Sign
20" Long x 12" Tall
Painted Dark Green with White Lettering
On Sale - $16.00
To place an order for Today's SALE ITEMS, please email us at or use the BUY NOW options above.  The BUY NOW options allow you to order and pay for these items using your Paypal Account or a credit/debit card.  

Have a Super Great Day and
DON'T FORGET ABOUT TEN DOLLAR TUESDAY TOMORROW.  We will post last week's drawing winner next week on our blog.  THANKS!!

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