Monday, March 2, 2015

Good Morning and Happy Monday Morning.....
The new Trimester started today for my boys.  My Ky texted me this morning and said...... "Mom, this is the first day of my last Trimester of my Junior year".  Wow, nice way to start the day - SNIFF, SNIFF.  Where in the world is the time going?  I just can't believe how FAST time is moving.  Just So Crazy!!!

We have a winner for Last Week's DRAWING..
Remember this BLOOM Block set??
Congratulations Donna Feliz!!!
Shoot me an email and we can set up a time for you to pick up this cute block set!!!

Today's DRAWING ITEM is perfect for any of your homes.....
Easter Subway Art
19" x 13"
If you would like your name entered into our drawing, please email us at   
Good Luck Everyone!!
We will post the winner one week from Today!!

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