Thursday, March 26, 2015

Good Morning Friends.....
So yesterday I turned 40!!!  I can't believe I'm 40!!  My dad
said it is my harder to have a child that is turning 40 that it is to be 40.  Once again, I am sure he is right!!  Having Kylan turning 18 this year is killing me!  LOL  Yesterday morning Chloee climbed into bed with us (in the middle spot where she no longer fits - lol) and said..... "Just think Mom.... only 60 more years and you will be 100".  That was so stinkin' funny.  Eric and I laughed and laughed.  I just love being a mom.  

I have spent so much time pondering the last 10 years.  So many ups and downs.  Chloee was born when I turned 30, Eric started his college degree and graduated in 4 years with an Engineering degree. Eric taught high school for 5 years, both of my boys became teenagers, we opened a store front (On The Avenue), closed that store front and put everything online, I was diagnosed with cancer and after a year of surgeries am now cancer free, we sold our home of 17 years and moved into
our dream home.  I have served in the Young Women's and primary organizations in our church, went to a Bon Jovi Concert with my kids (and we rocked it), we attended the funeral of my sweet brother in law Kenny, I got my first smart phone and learned to text and I gained a much deeper love for my savior. I have fallen more deeply in love with my sweetheart of 23 years. I went from changing diapers to making dinner for my son's first prom.  We buried our precious dog Higgins in the pouring rain and cried for days because he was the best dog ever!    The list goes on and on....... what an amazing life!  I am grateful for EVERY experience.  Both Good and Bad!  Here is to another 10 years before us!  Wow..... here we go!!!

Another big thanks to all of you who have become such great friends!!!  We are so blessed because of all of you!  
Enjoy Every Day!!!!!

Thank you for being part of the last 40 years!
Here is to Many many More.
Maybe even 60!!!!

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