Monday, April 27, 2015

Another Wild & Crazy Weekend.....
Dad, Ghav and Chloee!
I can't believe it is another Monday.  Holy Smack!!!! We had another crazy weekend of events!!  Another Rodeo on Friday and a Wedding on Saturday.  Holy Smack (again)!  It was so crazy busy and so stinkin' awesome.  We traveled several hours for our boys Rodeo on Friday.  We left really early Friday morning because my boys were scheduled to shoot (Trap, shot guns, clay pigions, loud sounds) at 10:00 that morning.  My boys have shot competitively for years and I am so happy it is part of the High School Rodeo!!  It has been such a fun opportunity watching them progress and learn from mistakes.  It is a very completitive sport and I am surprised at how well these high school kids shoot.  It isn't uncommon to drop 25, 50 or even 100 birds (clay pigeons) in a row.  It is simply impressive.  My Ky tied for 4 place 
Smile Ky!!!
and shot 47 out of 50.  He was pretty upset about the three he missed, but I was actually impressed with the 47 he hit.  LOL  I couldn't do it.  Check out the view we had at this gun range.  So Awesome!!  I believe Ghavan got 11th place which is pretty dang awesome. 

Way To Go Boys and a BIG THANKS TO CHLOEE for just going with the flow!!!

Ghavan getting ready to shoot!

Ky in his shooting stance.  He means business!

Ummmm, How do I get out Now???
And then to the RODEO!!!!  We got there at 11:30 am and Ghavan didn't rope until 10:00 that night.  It was a long, but very fun day.  You may ask us "What would a person do with all that extra time?"  Well, Eric took the opportunity to lock Kylan in the horse trailer while I laughed myself silly and took pictures.  Hahaha, Good memories!!!!  
By the time Ghavan's turn came,  it was a complete and utter down pour.  The arena was a mud hole and all of us were in coats and blankets.  The mom in me was worried about Ghavan being wet and cold and miserable.......I kept telling Eric how worried I was and he kept telling me "Ghavan was fine."  The first thing Ghavan said after he roped his calf was "THAT WAS AWESOME MOM, Best Time Ever!"   Gotta Love them boys!!!  We rolled into our drive way at 1:00 a.m. and were so grateful we had warm beds to crawl into.  I am so grateful for the time we have been given to spend with eachother.  So, so Grateful!!!!!
Sure Love My Cowboy!!!
Now Down To Business!!
So here is to another week of working and getting orders done.  We have oddles of orders coming in the week and will be contacting all of you as they are ready for pick up.  I have a room full or orders now and will be contacting all of you today/tomorrow.  We are hoping for a big week of pick ups!!!!  You have all been very patient and we appreciate it more than you know.  Having this business has been one of the biggest blessings in my life because it allows me to be a mom first.  Thank you - To All Of You - for being patient with us and allowing us to be there for our kiddos (even in the pouring rain).

It's time for our Monday Drawing......
Big Woohoo and congratulations to 
Heidi Elridge!!!!!
You are the winner for last week's Summer Subway Art sign!!!  I will make sure your name is on one of them and you can pick it up when you pick up your other orders!!  THANK you to everyone who entered last week.  

Today's Drawing Item is awesome!!!  I designed this sign with my kiddos in mind! If you would like your name in this week's drawing for this sign, please email us at and tell us who comes to mind when you read this sign.  Tell us about someone you know who is making a good change in the world.

And ONE More VERY IMPORTANT thing......
Tomorrow is our $10.00 Tuesday! 
Make sure you jump over to Facebook at 10:00 a.m.  for fantastic items at a FANTASTIC price!!
Items will be posted through out the day on the following facebook pages.  

Mandy Schiess
On The Avenue
Make It With Mandy

Have a Great Monday and a great week.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Hey Everyone!!!!!
Last Week Was Seriously a BLAST!!!!!!  My sweet husband booked a "SURPRISE" Vegas Vacation for me and my mom for my birthday!!!  Our main event was seeing Donny & Marie Osmond's Vegas Show!!!!  My MOM was and still is a HUGE Donny Fan.  I grew up listening to the Osmonds and couldn't wait to hear them in person.  Oh My Heck!  It was so much fun. 
I have to admit.... I am not a traveler.   I am a HOME BODY!!! One of the main reasons for that is I get very motion sick.  Horrible motion sick!  I drive almost everywhere we go because I feel yucky if I don't.  So Flying is even worse!!!!!!  Unfortunately, I inherited this motion sickness  from my sweet mom, so we were bumps on a log for the first day!   But being a bump on a log with no responsibilities is kindof fun for a day!!!

The second day we were there was awesome.
  We were able to attend the Las Vegas LDS Temple.  Wow, it is beautiful inside and out!!!!  It was so amazing and I am so grateful for that experience with my mom!!!

Friday night was the concert and it was awesome.  Eric got us tickets on the front row and it was so cool!  During the show he asked all of us to message him on facebook letting him know we were there and he would choose a winner who would receive a free CD!!  
He PICKED ME!!!!!!!

Can you believe it?  My mom and I were giddy!  It was so awesome.  I messaged him on facebook thanking him for the cd and he replied!!!!  Just a cherry on the top of a great weekend.  

Today is also my Mom's Birthday!!!!
Happy Happy Birthday to the best mom in the whole wide world!  I can't imagine my life without you!!!!

And now back to business.....
We have a winner for last week's $25.00 gift Card!!!
Congratulations To Karen Duncan!!!
Get ready to spend Karen!!!
Just shoot me an email and we can set up a time for you to pick up your gift card.  Thanks to everyone who entered.

This Week's Drawing Item is another FANTASTIC ITEM!!!
Summer Subway Art
24" Tall x 12" Wide
If you would like your name entered into our drawing, please email us at  We will announce the winner Monday, April 27th.  
Good Luck Friends!!!
Have a Great Day!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Hey Everyone!!!
Our Next
~Make It With Mandy~ Craft Night
is scheduled!!!

Wednesday, April 22nd
6:00- 9:30 PM
Millville City North Park Pavillion
450 North 100 East
(Beautiful) Millville

To register for our class, please email us at  Please give us your name, phone number and the items/quanitities you would like to make that night.  There is a $4.00 class fee for each person attending.   If you have any questions, please ask.....  We do have limited seating, so please register quickly!!  If you are unable to attend our class that night, please feel free to order your kits and make them on your own.  Kits include everything but the paint (outside of class)

Project #1 - SPRING Block Set ~  Blocks are 5" x 7".  Kit includes wood blocks, scrapbook paper (may vary slightly), vinyl, moss, berries and other supplies needed to complete project. - Cost ~ $23.00

Project #2 - Tulip Bead Box - 11" x 14".  Kit includes wood & Beadboard box, berries moss and other supplies needed to complete project.  Cost ~ $23.00

Project #3 -  Welcome Door Hanger - 20" x 12".  Kit includes wood box, vinyl, moss, berries, fabric handle and other supplies needed to complete project.  Cost ~ $28.00

Project #4 - SPRING Jumbo Letters - Each letter is 5" Wide x 7" Tall.  Kit includes wood letters and supplies needed to complete project.  We will have multiple spring colors available.  If you have a color you would like to use, please bring your own.  Cost ~ $24.00

Project #5 - Daisy On Bead - 8" x 8" - Kit includes wood, moss, berries and other supplies needed to complete project.  Cost ~ $10.00

Project #6 -  Welcome To Our Place Sign - 48" x 8" - Kit includes board and vinyl.  Please choose from Black or White Vinyl.  Several colors will be available that night, however, if you have a specific color you would like, please feel free to bring your own paint.  Cost ~ $28.00

Project # 7 ~  Fresh Cut Flowers Box - So fun for a front porch!  (Mason jars Not Included).  Kit includes wood box, white vinyl lettering and supplies needed to complete project.  ~Cost $15.00

Project #8 -  Quad 8X10 Frame - Kit includes built frame, glass, chip board and other supplies needed to complete project.  Colors available that night are Bing Cherry Red, Black, Antique White, Burnt Umber Brown and Antique Gold.  If you would like a custom color, please feel free to bring your own paint  - Cost ~ $40.00

Project #9 - HOME Frame - Over All Dimensions - 16" x 16".  Kit includes wood, white vinyl, glass and other supplies needed to complete project.  Colors available - same as above.  Cost ~ $20.00

Project #10 - What We Love About Our Home sign - 16" x 16".  Kit includes wood, wreath, burlap string, white vinyl and other supplies needed to complete project.  Cost ~ $22.00

Can't wait to see you all at craft night!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Wow, another awesome weekend!!!  
My "Little Brother" Morgan got married yesterday to the most amazing girl.  It was a small and wonderful wedding.   My niece was also blessed yesterday and it was awesome.  I am just so grateful for friends and family.  Our family has definitely been through some hard times and we were sent here to be together, to help eachother, to celebrate with eachother and to love eachother.  Yesterday was one of those days that truly testified of the strength of family.  I am so grateful for my family!!!
Morgan & Heidi - We love you!!!

 Wow, the kiddos are growing way too fast!!

Super Fun idea!!!  Heidi asked us to make this for her entry table.  All of the guests signed their name on a heart and we loaded up their frame.  It was a darling idea!!

We have a winner for last week's Triple Daisy Board!!
Big Woohoo For 
A Huge Thanks to everyone who entered our drawing last week.  

This week's drawing is a perfect for Anyone!!!!
Who wants to win a $25.00 Gift Card??
The winner can spend this gift card at our 
~Make It With Mandy~ Craft Nights, Order something from our blog or buy a couple of items during our $10.00 Tuesday......

If you would like your name entered into our drawing, please email us at  

Have a Super Great Day!!!!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Good Morning Everyone and
Happy Monday!!!!!
Last week was awesome!  It was Spring Break Around here which meant Eric and the kiddos were home all week.  We worked really hard and also spent a couple of days at  Ghavan's Rodeo.  He did SOOOOO Good.  He and his partner actually caught (roped) their calf.  Ghavan was the header and his parther was the heeler.  It just made me so happy.  I think anytime a parent watches their child work hard and accomplish their goal it is a "Happy Parent Moment".  Another event in the High School Rodeo is Trap shooting.  My boys have both shot competitive skeet and trap for several years and they both decided to complete this year through High School Rodeo.  Ky wasn't able to shoot at this past rodeo, but Ghavan did.  It wasn't his best day for shooting, but we sure had fun being together.   Oh and my sweet Chloee...... she just goes with the flow.  Take a few treats, a notebook and a few other things to keep her busy and she just goes with the flow.  I was actually feeling a little lonely last night when I knew they were all going back to school and work today.  sniff, sniff......
I know they will be home before we know it. 
Way To Go Ghavan!!!

We have a winner for last week's Monday Drawing.......
Congratulations To Angie Petersen!!!!

~Today's Drawing Item is the perfect for the Spring Season~
~Triple Daisy Board~
30" Tall - Perfect for hanging on a door.
If you would like your name entered into our drawing, please email us at  

Don't Forget About $10.00
Tuesday tomorrow......
Make sure you jump over to Facebook at 10:00 a.m.  for fantastic items at a FANTASTIC price!!
Items will be posted through out the day on the following facebook pages.  

Mandy Schiess
On The Avenue
Make It With Mandy

Have a Great Day!!!