Monday, April 6, 2015

Good Morning Everyone and
Happy Monday!!!!!
Last week was awesome!  It was Spring Break Around here which meant Eric and the kiddos were home all week.  We worked really hard and also spent a couple of days at  Ghavan's Rodeo.  He did SOOOOO Good.  He and his partner actually caught (roped) their calf.  Ghavan was the header and his parther was the heeler.  It just made me so happy.  I think anytime a parent watches their child work hard and accomplish their goal it is a "Happy Parent Moment".  Another event in the High School Rodeo is Trap shooting.  My boys have both shot competitive skeet and trap for several years and they both decided to complete this year through High School Rodeo.  Ky wasn't able to shoot at this past rodeo, but Ghavan did.  It wasn't his best day for shooting, but we sure had fun being together.   Oh and my sweet Chloee...... she just goes with the flow.  Take a few treats, a notebook and a few other things to keep her busy and she just goes with the flow.  I was actually feeling a little lonely last night when I knew they were all going back to school and work today.  sniff, sniff......
I know they will be home before we know it. 
Way To Go Ghavan!!!

We have a winner for last week's Monday Drawing.......
Congratulations To Angie Petersen!!!!

~Today's Drawing Item is the perfect for the Spring Season~
~Triple Daisy Board~
30" Tall - Perfect for hanging on a door.
If you would like your name entered into our drawing, please email us at  

Don't Forget About $10.00
Tuesday tomorrow......
Make sure you jump over to Facebook at 10:00 a.m.  for fantastic items at a FANTASTIC price!!
Items will be posted through out the day on the following facebook pages.  

Mandy Schiess
On The Avenue
Make It With Mandy

Have a Great Day!!!

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