Monday, May 4, 2015

Happy Lunch Time Everyone!!!!
I can't believe It has been a whole week since I posted here and I just can't believe how fast time flies by!   Last week was as busy as ever.  I am in the Young Women's organization in our church (I get to work with the awesome 12-18 year old girls).  We have an activity night every Tuesday and our class was in charge of last week's activity with the young men in our ward.  We played ~HUMAN HUNGRY HIPPOS~.  Holy SMACK, that was a barrel of fun and laughter!!!  For any of you who are not familiar with what this game is, go to you tube and search for Human Hungry Hippos.  Oh My Word!!!  It was so much fun.  Our leaders and bishopric joined in and what a GREAT TIME!!!  I enjoyed it even more because Ky, Ghavan and Chloee were there with me having a great time.  Love those kids!!!  

We had a great weekend of working!!!  Many of you have been picking up orders and we appreciate it so much.  We have oodles of orders going out these doors daily and we appreciate all of you for ordering from us!!!
Check out this beautiful piece of furniture that was picked up on Saturday and made it's way home to Boise, ID. 
Isn't it beautiful???
I really wanted to keep it for myself.  LOL
Love, Love, Love!!!!!
When I went out to take the picture of this hutch, I found my boys being very responsible while having a good time.  Apparently it is a great idea to wear a Snowmobile Helmet and Goggles when riding a child's scooter.  I am so glad they are so Responsible........  Hahahahahaha!  (If that is what you call it).  
Kylan doing tricks on his scooter!!!

Ky and Kaden!!!  Thanks for loving us Kaden!!!

Tomorrow is our Awesome $10.00 Tuesday!!!!!
It will be a little SPOOKY (hint, hint).  Don't miss out if you are a fan of Halloween......
Make sure you jump over to Facebook at 10:00 a.m.  for fantastic items at a FANTASTIC price!!
Items will be posted through out the day on the following facebook pages.  

Mandy Schiess
On The Avenue
Make It With Mandy

Ok, Now it is time for us to post the winner for last week's Drawing.  We have OOOOOODLES of entries and can't wait to annouce the winner.  
Congratulations to Koriann Hamilton!!!!
You are the winner of this amazing sign!!  Give me a call and we can set up a time for you to pick it up.

Today's Drawing Item is AWESOME!!!
We designed these years ago and still sell ooooodles of them.
Calendar/Wreath Holder
Retail Value - $49.00
 If you would like your name in our drawing for this fantastic Calendar/Wreath Holder, please email us at

Have a Super Great Day!!!!

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