Monday, May 18, 2015

Well Hello Everyone!!!
Ghavan, Grandma Abbott, Me, Chloee and Grandpa Abbott
Another wonderful weekend is over.  Our final High School Rodeo for this school year is over and now... we are going to rest.  (LOL)  We spent this past weekend in Delta, Utah and we had a great weekend.  Ghavan roped his first time Friday night close to midnight.  Yep, Midnight!!!  He was #95 our of 95 team ropers and his event was the last event of the day.  What are the odds???  My Ghavan missed both times, but had a great attitude about things and we loved being together.  Another huge blessing of traveling to Delta is my Grandparents and Aunt and Uncle live there.  I talked my mom into coming with us and we were able to spend lots of time with them and it was awesome.  My Grandpa is turning 90 this year.  CRAZY!!!  He servecd in World War II and told us many stories about the war while we visited with he and my grandma.  I was so impressed with the details he remembered and the stories he told us.  It was Just An Awesome Trip!  We got home early evening last night and I am working away at the laundry, cleaning and work!!!

My cute mom and her mom.  Love you both!
My Eric and Grandpa Abbott!!  Love you both!
And Now to our On The Avenue Business.......
We have a winner for last week's $25.00 gift card.
Congratulations to Janet Maurer!!!!
Thanks to everyone who entered last week.

Today's Drawing Item is Our
American Latte Flag!
If you would like your name entered into our drawing this week, please email us at  
We will post the winner one week from today!!!
Good Luck Everyone!!!!!

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