Monday, August 17, 2015

Happy Monday Everyone......
I can't believe my kiddos go back to school this week.  Where did our summer go???  The thought of all the homework kindof gives me a stomach ache (lol) - But onward we go.  My Ky is a Senior this year, My Ghavan a Sophmore and My Chloee Bug a 5th grader.  Wow......  My babies are no longer babies.  I have LOVED this summer with them!!   This is actually the first summer in 10 years that Eric didn't have off.  Now he isn't working any longer as a high school teacher, he is gone all summer and we really missed him.  We sure tried to enjoy all the time he was home with us.  :)  

Our major endeavor this summer was putting in the sprinkling system and back yard grass.  Whew, what a WONDERFUL thing to have done.  The lawn is growing great and will be beautiful in the next couple of weeks.  Now.... onto the next project.  I think we should do something cute in the house (WINK!!)

For the past several months we have been offering a 
$10.00 Tuesday on Facebook
and what a BLAST!!!  I had not idea how much fun it would be.  Last week was our first week of Christmas Items and it was AWESOME!!!  We really want to THANK all of you who are ordering from us.  Our production is speeding up and orders are going out the doors much faster.  

Please JOIN us tomorrow for another Fun Filled FANTASTIC
$10.00 Tuesday........
More Christmas Items are on the Way!!!!

Tomorrow is our $10.00 Tuesday!
Make sure you jump over to Facebook at 10:00 a.m.  for fantastic items at a FANTASTIC price!!
Items will be posted through out the day on the following facebook pages.

Mandy Schiess
On The Avenue
Make It With Mandy

We are also offering a 
DRAWING ITEM this week....
A $25.00 Gift Card - WOOHOOO!!!
If you would like your name entered into our drawing, please jump over to facebook and like our On The Avenue Page (link above) or Make It With Mandy Page (Link Above) and leave a comment.  
Good Luck To Everyone!!!!
