Monday, September 28, 2015

Hello Hello Hello!!!
It's another Monday which means the weekend is over and we are back to our regular schedules.  We had a great weekend which ended with the "Totally Awesome Denver Bronco's" winning which makes their record 3-0 this year.  This is FANTASTIC news and the game was awesome.  A Big thanks to my Mom and Dad for having us over.  Fun food and a GREAT game!!!  Love you both so much!!!

My Ky went to Homecoming (Mountain Crest) and had a BLAST!!!  A dear friend of mine took their pictures before the dance and they turned out sooooooo cute!!!  sigh........ I just can't believe my baby is a senior.  How can this be???

They spent the day 4-Wheeling, had dinner and then dancing.  What a great time of life.  He said it was the funnest dance he has been too yet.
Love you both!!!

I even snuck in for a super cute picture with my Ky!!  I am so glad I dressed up so I wouldn't look under dressed in the photo.
(hahahahahahaha) - Gotta love the t-shirt and jeans!!

Because Today is Monday..... we have a drawing winner from last week..... Remember the super cute Trick Or Treat Block Set???  Congratulations To CINDY HOPKINS!!!!!
I will set these aside for you!!

Today's DRAWING ITEM is 
~Oh So Cute For This Time Of Year!!!~
If you would like your name entered into our Monday Weekly drawing for these EEK Letters, please shoot us an email letting us know what your families like to eat for dinner on Halloween Night.  (hahaha, I need some ideas - LOL)

$10.00 Tuesday
We will NOT, I Repeat NOT be having our $10.00 Tuesday tomorrow.  We are hoping to spend the day sending all of these super cute orders out the door with their new owners.  

Have a Great Monday!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Can you email me about my order on the large welcome wood sign placed on Sept 16. Thank
