Monday, September 14, 2015

Hey There Everyone!!!!
I can't believe it has been so long since I have been here on this blog.  Summer was so super crazy!!!  The kids are back in school and fall is just around the corner.   
FALL is ~My FAVORITE  Time of Year!~ 

Pumpkin TREATS
Spicy Candles
Fall Colors
(Denver Broncos)

Ok..... We just have to get back to our 
Monday Drawing Items....... 
Don't you all agree?
We are offering two drawing items this week.  If you would like your name entered into our drawing, please email us at and share your favorite part of fall.

FALL Jumbo Letters
Oh So Cute!!!!

Pumpkins - Set of 3
(Pumpkins are approx 4X6)
Also....... tomorrow is our $10.00 Tuesday!!  For any of you who are new to this whole Tuesday thing..... Let me explain!!!
We will be offering multiple items for only $10.00 tomorrow.  To view these items and order, please jump over to one of the following facebook pages at 10:00 a.m. - tomorrow!!!!
Tuesdays have become almost as awesome as Fridays!!!

Mandy Schiess
On The Avenue
Make It With Mandy

Have a super Great Day and don't forget to enter our drawing.....

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