Monday, January 11, 2016

Good "Monday" Morning Everyone!!!
We sure hope you all had a great weekend.  Once again, ours was too short!!  We didn't have a whole lot going on, just home working with the family.  Lots of teenagers in and out of our doors and lots of food left the pantry.  Just what I have always wanted as a mom - a house full of friends eating food!  What a blessing!!!  I believe it was President Hinckley that said to just turn our heads and let the teenagers eat.  What a blessing!!!!  We are so grateful for such great kids that tend to hang out here with us.  

Last Fall was Super Crazy for us around here.  We found ourselves crafting 6 days a week and there wasn't much time for anything but that.  We got away from our Monday Drawing and WE HAVE MISSED IT!!!!  We are starting up again today!!!  Today's Drawing Item is a $25.00 Gift Card.  You can spend it at our Make It With Mandy Craft Night, on our $10.00 Tuesday items or order from our blog.  :)  This is going to be fun.  

If you would like your name entered into today's drawing, please email us a picture of something you have purchased from us in the past.  We would love to see how you have used our product to decorate your home.  FUN HUH!!!  If you would like to post it on our Facebook Page (so everyone can see), please jump over there and share your picture...

Mandy Schiess

We will announce the drawing winner one week from today.  It will be posted on our facebook page and here on our blog.

Good Luck and Wooohoooo For Monday Drawings!

1 comment:

  1. I would love to be in the drawing, but you have been saving my numerous orders, since I have been in California since June 2015!
