Monday, January 25, 2016

Good Morning Everyone!!!!
Can I just say it has been quite a Monday morning....  I have finally committed myself to walking every morning.  I have a treadmill, but it has been in the basement.  And for some reason, I just can't bring myself to "WALKING ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE BASEMENT" to walk on it.  By the time I got down there, I would be too tired to walk on the treadmill......  So I had my two favorite sons (hahaha, I only have 2) haul it upstairs for me last night.  I was actually really excited to start walking today (I even had dreams about it - LOL)  I got all the laundry going, the dishes were done, boys out the door and I was on my way to a healthier life................... And then..... THE DANG TREADMILL Wouldn't start.  How does it not start???  Seriously!!!!  I was so mad, I had already put on my walking shoes and everything!!!  I called my Eric (who can fix anything) and he said it was working just fine last night and he would have to look at it when he gets home from work.   REALLY!!!?????  Are you kidding me????    So instead of walking my way to a healthier life, I showered and got ready for the day!!!  Maybe Tomorrow......  

And Can I Just Say................
The Denver Bronco's Rock!!!!

They won yesterday and are going to the super bowl.  As a child I remember watching them loose the super bowl a couple of times and the thought of that just makes me sick.  So let's all think positive thoughts for the Orange And Blue and hope for a win in two weeks.  I can't wait!!!!!

Now... onto some OTA Business....
We have a HUGE amount of people sign up for our drawing last week - It was Awesome!!!  Many of you shared our post and we appreciate it soooo much!

The Winner of Last Week's LOVE Sign is
Darien Swenson!!!
Congratulations Darien!!
We will have your item ready for pick up this weekend....

How about another DRAWING Item today???
Love this Heart Box -
36" Tall x 10" Wide
If you would like your name entered into our drawing, please email us at
Jump over to facebook.  If you share our post with all of your friends, we will enter your name twice!!!  Good Luck to all of you and we will post the winner on Monday, February 1st.

We will not be having our regular $10.00 Tuesday tomorrow.  I am off to support my Kylan's FFA competition.  However, we do have several extra items that are on clearance and we will be posting those tomorrow.  There is a limited supply of each item, once they are gone, they are gone!!!

Thanks a million and have a Great Monday!

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