Monday, July 12, 2010

Pioneer Trek

I will post the drawing item tomorrow because I wanted to share a family picture today.
We had an incredible experience this past week end. Our ward went on a Ward Handcart Trek. It was one of the hardest things I have done and was absolutely amazing. The spirit truly touched my heart as we walked with handcarts over many miles of mountain trails. I wish I could put into words what I felt and saw, but I think it is impossible. It was truly one of the greatest experiences in my life!! As I watched my husband and two sons (along with our other company members) push our handcarts up and down hill after hill I was absolutely amazed. At one point on the trail all of our husbands and sons that were 12 years and older were asked to take another trail. (Mormon Batallion) It left all of us women, young women and children under the age of 12 to push our handcarts up a very long and steep hill without our husbands, sons and fathers. As they were asked to leave, tears ran down my face. My heart ached so much for those sweet sisters who had no idea whether or not they would see their loved ones again. I don't think I have ever been physically tested like I was on this trek. We are SO BLESSED! By the end Chloee was in tears asking if we could go home. She was exhausted. I had to carry her even when I couldn't carry myeslf. (Yes, I am not in the greatest shape) We have so much to be grateful for. I am so grateful for our shower, for my washing machine, for my pantry that was full of food when we got home. For the vehicle we jumped into and drove home in. Chloee and I got into the suburban when the trek ended. She was asleep within five minutes, but before she drifted off she said something so simple and profound

"I Love My Home"!

The 24th of July has always been a holiday for me. I have always looked forward to spending time with our family, fireworks and parades. But this year I am going to reflect on all those who came across the plains to make my life so good and I hope you all can too. The song "Come, Come Ye Saints" has been going through my mind over and over since Friday.
The best part of the whole song is
"All Is Well".

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