Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Weekly Drawing

This Week's drawing item is this 12X12 Tile -
Retail: $15.00
This week I will be giving away two of these tiles!! Make sure you email me at ontheavenuelogan@gmail.com or post a comment.
In your email or comment leave us a short message about a time you have been given much (or as I would say it - a time when you have been blessed).
Good Luck To You All!!!


  1. This tile is such a true statement. Just love it.

    Gena Smith

  2. Love this! I appreciate you sharing your experience about the trek. You are amazing. I have never done that, but would love to have that experience. How neat.

    Enter me! Thanks.

  3. What a good saying..haven't heard it before. Please enter me in your drawing.

  4. I would say that being a mother has really shown me the truth behind this statement. I have received and continue to receive so many blessings every day. Being a mother requires a lot, but the little one I have in return is so worth it!!! I would say that is probably the greatest blessing I can think of :)

  5. Good Morning Ladies! thanks for the comments. I have entered your name into the drawing. Becky, thanks for the thought. I can so relate! I have truly learned that the hardest things we do are the most rewarding!

  6. please put me in for the drawing!
    Tenaya Garrett

  7. I love when such inspirational quotes can be hung around our homes. Its a good reminder.

  8. Add me to your drawing. Love the saying
    Ramona F.

  9. I would have to say that my life lives this statement. My family went 3 years without any work for my dad. We somehow lived all three years in our house and the only way we know how it happened is through the Lord and so much was given to us we always watch for the times where we can give back! Please enter me!!!
