Tuesday, October 5, 2010

As owners of On The Avenue we love supporting local events. We have had the opportunity to make many donations and be apart of some great fundraisers. We are so blessed to live in a great community and have a wonderful opportunity to support a great cause.

The Hope Festival
The HOPE Festival will take place on Wednesday October 27, 2010 from 10 am-7 pm. It will be in the Taggart Student Center (Utah State University) on the second floor. It is a fundraiser for CAPSA, the local domestic violence shelter. Local vendors and artisans will come together to sell their goods and donate 25% of their day's proceeds to help CAPSA. We will also be doing a product drive for CAPSA so people can donate items off the CAPSA wish list at the event.
For more information, please see the following

We will not be able to attend the event, however, we have donated items to the silent auction and would love for all of our awesome friends to participate in this great cause. For more infomation, please contact us at 435-755-8471 or email us at ontheavenuelogan@gmail.com

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