Monday, October 4, 2010

New Drawing Item For This Week!!
I will be choosing two winners this week. I have two different Halloween Signs that are this style. They are not exactly like this, but similar. In order for you to be entered into the drawing, I want you to tell me some fun traditions you do for Halloween. My kids are getting a little older and I need to start thinking of some other fun activities besides Trick Or Treating.
I Need Your Help!!
Either leave a comment on this post or email me at
If you are a follower, I will enter your name into the drawing three times! Good luck and thank you in advance for all your ideas!!!


  1. Oh I just love that!!!SO cute :) Enter me please.. and I am already a follower!!!

  2. Hmmm....what did I do for Halloween when I got older...Well what I've always done and what I LOVE to do is reverse trick or treating, we would go to the house we were going to reverse trick or treat with a plate of cookies or some cup cakes or something and we would yell treat or trick...and we would wait for them to come to the door and we would drop them off! It is something we plan on continuing for YEARS!!! Bobby and I did it last year and we're going to do it again OH and I'm a follower too!!!

  3. Please enter me... I am a follower.
    My favorite holiday is Halloween! When my siblings and I got older my mom would put on a spook alley in her garage. she would put up black tarps to separate each room.. chainsaw with the creepy man , vampire, a strobe light room, scary witch, and much more... oh so fun to scare all the trick or treat'rs. now we are all off and married. trick or treating with our own little ones. but i sure do miss it!!

  4. Even though I just won, can I be entered? I am a follower also! We just go to my moms for chili on Halloween. The little kids get to go trick or treating and the bigger kids get to stay at grandmas and pass out candy. Dumb I know. But I think the bigger kids like to pass out candy at someones elses house that their own.

  5. We started the tradition of having a "family dinner" the night before Halloween. I have a very small family so great Aunts and Uncles are invited. I make pumpkin shaped hamburgers and cut out faces on the cheese singles before I put it on the hamburger... and have the rest of the food in the colors of Halloween. Or I will get 2 different kinds of frozen soup from RSM and buy pumpkin shaped soup bowls from Shaffer House and have the rest of the food shaped or in the colors of Halloween. That way everyone is home for those sweet Trick-or-Treat's to come and visit on Halloween. I'm a follower too!

  6. Now that my daughter is 17, we just decided to put together a little party that included her friends. We make soup or chilli and all the teenagers dress up and act silly. They love answering the door for the little kiddies. Love your blog!
