Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday, June 11th
Happy Monday To Everyone!  Isn't Summer Great??  We are lovin' it!  It has been super busy around here and we haven't even gone on vacation.  My oldest son (14) has  a lawn mowing business and has now hired my second son (12).  That keeps us super busy!!  They do a great job and are learning the value of a dollar earned through hard work!!  My oldest son had the opportunity of shooting (shot gun/trap) at the State Tournament and guess what???????  His team took 1st place in the State and he took 3rd as an individual in the state.  I am super proud of him.  He shot 225 rounds in about 5 hours and he did AWESOME!  Now on to Scout Camp and Girls Camp~  Whew!
I didn't list the winner of our Cute BUG OFF Lady Bug Monday because I didn't post anything. 
So.... The winner of our BUG OFF Lady Bug 
is Tawny Lowther!  
Congratulations Tawny!!  Email me at and we can set up a time for you to pick up your Lady Bug!

We have MANY new friends that have joined our blog and may not know about our Monday Drawing Items.   So Listen Up...... Every Monday we post a drawing item.  If you would like to enter our drawing, please leave a comment below that post OR email us at  If you are a follower of our blog, please mention it and we will enter your name into the drawing five times.  We will post the winner the following Monday.  There are no strings attached, this is just one of the fun things we do here at On The Avenue.  Good Luck....
So.... Today's Drawing Item is our America Sign
Pray Hard ~ Work Hard ~ Trust God.
To enter our drawing, leave a comment or email us.  Good Luck!!!

Now Moving On to Our SALE ITEM For Today.......
I absolutely Love This Double 4X6 Bead Frame - I really love it because of the two cute boys that are looking at me~  
Retail:  $21.00 - On Sale for $10.50 -
 ~A Fantastic 50% Savings~
To place an order please email us at, call us at 435-755-8471 or use the BUY NOW Option below.  By using the BUY NOW option below you are able to pay for this item with your Pay Pal Account or your Debit/Credit Card.  Just click the BUY NOW Button below.....  Please allow 7-10 business days for your order to be processed.  We will notify you as soon as your order is ready for pick up or shipment.  

Thank you for sharing part of your day with us..



  1. PLease enter me, I am a follower :)

  2. So cute! Enter me.... I am a follower.

  3. I would also like to be entered into the drawing. I am already a follower!! Thank you!

  4. Enter me into your drawing. Lots of cute things.

  5. Please enter me for the drawing this week. Yup, I follow your blog too.


  7. I just found your blog and I LOVE it!! You are super talented!!! I would love to win a cute prize:) I believe I am a follower? I get your email updates:) Thanks for the chance!!!

  8. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this Mandy!!! I absolutely love 4th of july stuff!!! It is one of my favorite holidays so I LOVE the stuff you come up with! I have already decorated for this holiday and would love to add this to my decorations!!! I am a follower too as always!!

  9. Enter Kam into the drawing, it kind of reminds me of Grandpa Schiess's saying to all of us kiddos!! Hope you all are doing good!1

  10. Please enter me in the drawing! Thanks!

  11. Enter me!! I love that...and I love you!! Thanks for everything!

  12. Love the America sign--especially the bunting you added at the bottom.
    I follow your blog.
    Thank you for the chance to win.
