Saturday, June 9, 2012

Saturday, June 9th

Welcome To ~Make Your House A Home~ .  
I love this post, but due to my little Cancer Ordeal, I haven't been keeping up on this one.  But I am back at it today!!  All of you who have been to our home know we have a BIG front porch.  I absolutely love decorating it.  It really is like another room in our house.  I love decorating it for the seasons and holidays.  I have added some pictures to show the fun items we have on our porch now.  Of course it could change in a week, but that is the fun part of what we do!! 

  I Love this old door.  Some friends of ours were cleaning out an old shed at their parents house and found this door.  I had mentioned to them before if they found any doors or cabinets that we would love them.  This door went right onto my front porch.  We had to tie it to the house so it wouldn't blow over.  It is a very heavy door and I didn't think that would happen, but after a couple times.....  we tied it to the house. 

This table has been on our porch for a very long time
It is really weathered and I would love to re-paint it, but haven't got to it.  I Love the rustic barrel and old Milk basket that are on the table.  I love adding different flowers for the different seasons.  I placed an old green rug across the table.  Eric built me the rustic chair that is next to the table and my sister gave me this great garland that is draped across the chair.  I placed one of our lanterns (Love these) on the table with a rustic candle.  I have had this old barn star on the front of our house for years.  I love changing things out, but really love this star so I have not moved it.

This bench was inside my house
but as most of you know who have been to our house, our front room tends to be full with orders that are going out the door.  So I moved it outside onto the porch.  I placed another rustic rug across the top and a place mat in front of it.  It is hard to see, but to the right of this bench we have a lantern post that Eric built.  I LOVE THIS.  It has a rustic hook on the front where I have hung a twig wreath with burlap.  Super Cute!!
 This is to the right of the white bench that is shown above.  Eric and Chloee built me this
birdhouse last year for the garden.  I moved it from the flower garden to the porch this year.  It is sitting next to this rustic bar stool.  The flowers on top of the bar stool were my mother's day gift.  It is a hanging basket, but Chloee and I cut off the hanging part so it could just sit on this bench.  Isn't it beautiful?
This is an OLD RUSTIC Screen Door that someone gave us.  It didn't fit the opening so Eric added some trip, sprayed it black, distressed it and hung it for me.  I LOVE IT!!  We had an old tin screen door on this house when we bought it, but took it off because it was ugly!  We have missed opening the front door and having the cool night air breeze through the house... so we solved that problem.  I took some brown burlap and hung two round twig wreaths on the front of it.  Love It, Love It, Love It! 

 Isn't this a super cute idea.  I had this Old Frame in the house and wasn't using it for anything.  I found this idea on one of my favorite blogs and had to do it.  Super Easy.  Just hung the frame - tadaa!  It adds so much and makes it much easier to see our address from the road.  
Check out this fantastic blog - 

Thank you for sharing part of your day with us here at 
On The Avenue.
 We hope you are enjoying your summer.  
