Monday, March 31, 2014

Good Morning and WooHoo For SPRING BREAK!!!!  Yesterday was even a better Sunday because we knew we all would be home this week.  Don't get me wrong, but the end of the week, we will all be happy to go back to our regular schedule, but for now..............WooHoo!!!
We have SOOOO MUCH Work to get done this week and are hoping to catch up on all of our orders.  So for all of you that are waiting...... This is the week!!!

Today's SALE ITEM - Custom Order
~Missionary Subway Art~
12" Wide x 16" Tall
On Sale ~ $26.00
So I came up with this FANTASTIC idea about doing a Missionary Subway Art.  I just couldn't believe it hadn't been thought of before....... Hellooooooo!!!!  There are thousands of different ones floating around on the internet.  I guess I just didn't notice it.  We made this plaque for some dear friends of ours.  Travis worked for us for several years and became one of our kids.  He recently left on his LDS mission and I couldn't wait to make this for his "Proud Missionary Mom".  
We would love to customize a Missionary Subway Art for you!!  When ordering, please give us your missionary's name, their mission, the language they are speaking and any other special words of scriptures you would like.  Choose from the following colors........
Black with white writing 
Antique white with Black Writing
Please send order to 

To place an order for this Missionary Subway Art, please email us at the above address or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a Credit/Debit card.  Shipping is available and will be calculated on an individual basis and billed separately through Paypal.

.......and because today is Monday we have a FREE DRAWING ITEM.
If you would like your name entered into our Monday Drawing, please leave a comment on this post or email us at  

Today's Drawing Item.....
Home Is Wherever I'm With You
16" x 16" Sign
(Retail Value - $27.00)
We will post the winner of this sign one week from today on our blog ~ 

Have a Fantastic week and we will see you back here tomorrow!!

Happy Friday Everyone!!!!
Wow, I am super tired this afternoon.  I really could just go lay down and take a SNOOZE!!  Thank goodness it is Friday and SPRING BREAK next week.  WooHoo, WooHoo!!!

How about a FRIDAY FREEBIE Today??  Remember, when you order today's SALE ITEM, you get a FREE item.

Today's SALE ITEM is
Super STINKIN' Cute!!!!
Who doesn't love Burlap???

18" in Diameter
Available in Cream or Tan Burlap..... (Picture is 
Cream) Each 4" piece of burlap is glued to the straw wreath.  I made one of these for myself and placed it in our ~On The Avenue Room~.  I have had many of you ask about it and want to order one, so here we go......
On Sale $38.00

Eric built me this cabinet years ago, and we left it in our old house when we sold it.  I MISS IT!!  The wreath is super cute hanging there!!!

AND Today's FREEBIE is perfect for any home!!!
Bless... Sign
(Retail Value:  $24.00)

To place an order for this
Burlap Wreath and the FREE Bless Sign,
please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option above allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a Credit/Debit Card.  Shipping is available and will be calculated on an individual basis and billed through Paypal.


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Happy Snow Day Everyone!!!  I took my Ghavan to school today and when we left it was POURING!!!  By the time we got home 30 minutes later - it was SNOWING!!!  Welcome To Spring Time In Cache Valley - 

Check out Today's SALE ITEM - I designed this last year and LOVE IT!!!  
Fresh Cut Flowers Box
19.5" Long x 5.5" Deep.  Four quart size jars fit into this box. 

Colors Available
Black with white lettering,
 Antique White with black lettering
 Antique Gold with Black lettering,
 Bing Cherry with white lettering 
and Burnt Umber Brown with white lettering.
(Mason Jars Not Included)
On Sale For $22.00
Perfect for a front porch or kitchen table.  Add flowers, twigs, berries, pine cones to the Jars......
To place an order for this 
Fresh Cut Flowers Box,
please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a Credit/Debit card.  Shipping is available and will be calculated on an individual basis and billed through Paypal.  

Have A Super Great Day......
~I'm Off to Do Our TAXES - Uhgggggg!!~


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Ok.......... can I just say how humble I am today!!!  First of all, I am so thankful for a sweet husband who has always treated me like gold.  We go WAYYYYYYY back and I just love him to pieces.  I wasn't expecting him to HACK my blog yesterday and announce to everyone that it was my birthday!!!  He sent me a text after he got to work telling me to check out our blog.........  Thanks for being so good to me my dear!!!

And to all of you who sent emails, texts, facebook messages and comments on our blog - THANK YOU!!!  I truly am so over whelmed and so grateful for all of your kind words.  You will never understand how much your sweets words mean to me and how grateful I am that each of you would take time out of your BUSY schedules to wish me a Happy Birthday!!!

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!

Today's SALE ITEM is a brand new design and I LOVE IT!! 

~DREAM Burlap Sign~

I actually made it to hang above the towel rack in our master bathroom, however, it looks pretty cute in our front room and I figure the kids will read it a lot more in that room than in our bathroom (LOL).

DREAM Burlap Sign
36" Across x 10" Tall
We have stippled the word DREAM on the burlap which is attached to the wood with furniture tacks.  Super Cute!!!!

This sign is available in Black, Bing Cherry Red and Antique White (with black writing).
On Sale ~  $28.00

To place an order for this DREAM Burlap Sign, please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a Credit/Debit Card.  Shipping is available and will be calculated on an individual basis and billed through Paypal.


Again, a BIG Thanks to all of you for your kindness!!!
Have a Wonderful Day!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Happy Birth Day to Mandy

Hey every one this is Eric Schiess, Mandy's husband.  Guess what today is, yep it's Mandy's Birthday.  She is going to be so mad (Okay not really) when she finds out that I posted this but to bad.  If you get a minute I would love for you to send her a message or give her a call and wish her happy Birthday.  I just want to tell her that I love her and she is with out a doubt the best thing in my life.  Thanks for all you do.  I love you babe

Monday, March 24, 2014

Hey There Everyone!
What a beautiful day and what a wonderful weekend!!!  The air is a little crisp today, but smells so good.  Once again, I MISSED Friday's post.  It turned into a very busy day with more than I could accomplish and I had to take something off my list and my blog was it!!

Check out Today's SALE Item....... 
Welcome To Our Place Sign 
This is another great item for a front porch.  This sign is 48" Long x 6" Tall - Antique White with Black Lettering
Lots of Sanding for that FANTASTIC rustic look.
On Sale - $28.00

We also have a winner for Last Week's Drawing....
Daisy Door Hanger

Congratulations to Heidi Ballard!!!
A Big thanks to everyone who entered our drawing last week.......

Would you like to win Today's Drawing Item
Spring Subway Art
(Retail Value - $24.00)
If you would like your name entered into our drawing, please send us an email or leave a comment sharing
"Why You Love Spring" .

Good Luck and have a great Monday Night!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Good Morning Friends and Happy Friday Eve.......
One day closer to the weekend and the sunshine is beautiful today!!!!  Construction of the New High School is underway two blocks from our home and we can hear all the construction vehicles busily working.  Amazing how things change and the world just keeps moving forward......

Spring is definitely here and I have the Spring Cleaning/Decorating bug.  We took dinner to a dear fried of ours the other night and instead of driving..... we walked that whole two blocks.  It was so nice being out in the clean air and when I got home, I started the outside cleaning.  I swept the back patio, brought out the patio furniture and then moved to the front yard.  I still have lots of weeds to pull, but the weeds will be there tomorrow.  In fact, they will most likely have grown a couple inches by then and they will be easier to pull.  

Both homes we have lived in have had one thing in common..... a BIG Front Porch.  A porch to me is just an extension of the home and I have always decorated the porch.  

Here are just a few pictures of our new home (which we are so blessed to live in!)  We love the neutral colors of this home.  

Here is a close up of the front entrance....
 I just had to leave that cute little pink bike in the photo.  That would be Chloee's birthday present and it already has many miles on it.  
I told Eric the other day, we need to paint the front door Black!!  What do you all think???

 My Friend Amy gave me the old Wagon - and isn't it a treasure???  I had the old black chair in one of my flower beds at our old home and just had to put it here on the porch.  I took an old cabinet door, sprayed it black, put a knob on it and tied two round twig wreaths on the front!!!  So Simple and I Love It!!  I'm not sure what that little pile of fake grass is on the right hand side.  I am assuming it blew off of the duck boat in the back yard, but I thought it looked kind of rustic, so I left it in the picture - LOL

This table and set of chairs was in our old kitchen at one time.  Eric built me a new table, so I moved this one onto the porch so we could move the new table into the house.......... and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THE TABLE AND CHAIRS ON OUR FRONT PORCH!!  So, I brought them to our new home and Tadaa!!!  Once again, they are on the porch.  I added a rooster, some fake grass, wreaths on each window and an old watering can on the table.  Check out the black chair, old milk can and that FANTASTIC WELCOME BURLAP Sign 
(Today's SALE ITEM - Hint, Hint)

I lined the front of our porch with some wire baskets.  Not sure what I am going to put in them yet, but I'm working on that....... 

Notice the wreaths hanging in the windows?  I had these wreaths hanging on the windows of our old home and loved them.  I couldn't wait to hang them on the windows of our new home.  Just Charming!!

Today's SALE Item is perfect for a front porch.  
Welcome Burlap Sign
20" Long x 16" Tall
This is a favorite and turned out really cute.  We painted the board black, added tan burlap, furniture tacks and then I stippled black lettering on the burlap.  Super Cute!!!
On Sale ~ $24.00

To place an order for this Burlap Welcome Sign, please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a Credit/Debit Account.  Shipping is available and will be calculated on an individual basis and billed separately through Paypal.  

Have a Great Day Today!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Good Morning and Happy Garbage Day!!!
I LOVE Garbage day!!  We always seem to be busting at the seems when it comes to garbage.  It is amazing how much recycling we do with this business and how quickly the cans fill up.  I'm always relieved once the truck has pulled up and taken our "Donations".

As most of you know, we are always working on custom orders.  That has been one of our "Trademarks" over the years......  We welcome custom orders anytime.  Check out some of the fun items we have made in the past week for some of our ~On The Avenue~ Friends......

Bless.... Sign
(I just have to have one of these for my kitchen too.)
Available colors -
Antique White with Black Vinyl
Red, Black or Brown with White Vinyl
On Sale ~ $22.00
12" x 16"

Best Day Ever Sign
(This saying made me think of Tangled......)
On Sale ~ $26.00
16" x 20"
Available in Black, Red or Green with white vinyl or Antique white with black vinyl.  Customize your own date.  Use the date you got married or a birth of your child....  Think of the possibilities.

.........And every once in a while I make custom orders for myself.......  WooHoo!!!
Be Grateful Sign
24" Tall x 14" Wide
This is actually a cabinet door that we painted antique white, added vinyl, twig wreath and a burlap bow.  (I Just added the small today sign for fun)
On Sale For $39.00

(includes both white boards, the vinyl, burlap bow and wreath)
(Today is a good day sign is NOT INCLUDED)

I Love Us!!
16" x 12"
I wanted another something to put on the bench in our master bedroom.  (I already have 10 things crammed on there, but hey, it needed one more thing).  Eric asked me the other day (jokingly of course - he knows me by now) - Aren't benches to sit on???  Not around here!!!  Available in Antique White with black lettering or Red, Black or brown with white lettering.
On Sale $28.00

(molding may be slightly different, but over all look will be the same!)

32" Tall x 8" Wide
I made this sign for our master bathroom.  In our old home we only had one bathroom and with five of us in the family, there was never time to relax.  However, we have two bathrooms now and I hung this sign to remind us to take a minute to breathe and relax!!  Take a hot shower or long bath, just RELAX!!
I absolutely Love the way this turned out.
Available in Black, Red, & Brown with white vinyl
Antique White with Black Vinyl
On Sale ~ $27.00
To place an order for any of the items listed today, please email us at or use the BUY NOW options above.  The BUY NOW options allow you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a Credit/Debit card.  Shipping will be calculated on an individual basis and billed through Paypal.  Please specify which color you would like when ordering!!

Have a FANTASTIC Wednesday and we will see you back here tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Good Morning Friends!!!  
We missed our Friday Freebie last week and yesterday apparently didn't happen either.  But no worries, we will catch up on everything today!!  

We had the best weekend!!  Our Ky is in the FFA organization at his school and has loved it this year.  He and a buddy decided to participate in the FFA talent portion of the State Convention on Friday night.  They have spent hours practicing their guitar playing and singing  "Night At The County Fair" by Chris Ledoux and I have loved hearing them over the past few weeks.  We were super excited the convention was here at Utah State because that meant we could be those nerdy parents who just had to be there to watch their son perform in front of his peers.  (I was the "girl" in the back ground screaming, but I'm not going to tell him it was me).  It was AWESOME!!!  Crazy enough he and his buddy won the talent contest and have the opportunity to complete at the national competition in the fall.  It was a great experience for him and we loved watching him perform.  If I was smart enough to post a You Tube video here on this blog, I would add the video of his performance.  Unfortunately.....  I'm not!!

Then Saturday began the weekend celebration of Chloee's 9th birthday (which was actually on Sunday).  She couldn't quite decide what she wanted to do for her little birthday party.  My kids don't have birthday parties every year, in fact they have only had a few over the years, but Chloee really wanted to do something with a couple of friends this year.  She thought about ice skating (but I can't skate without my ankles wanting to fall off), she wanted to swim (hahahahaha, like I am going to get into a swimming suit) so we decided on the JUMP ZONE!  Me jumping on a trampoline is no more attractive than me in a swimming suit, but at least my body would be covered right???  Oh my heck!!!  It was a TOTAL BLAST!  We had more adults there than kids and it was awesome.  You could sure tell who the old people were half way through our hour of jumping.  I just couldn't have imagined how much fun we would have.  We came back to our house and had pizza, cake and ice cream after (we had to gain those calories back from jumping - heaven forbid we loose calories and not put them back on!!)  It was just an amazingly fun weekend.  We begged Chloee to stay 8 and not turn 9, but she said she couldn't do it.  I told her that was ok..... as long as she stays 9 now and doesn't turn 10.  ................Where is the time going?  I love you my dear family...  (By the way, my body is still pretty sore! LOL)

How about a SALE ITEM today?????
Check out this Fantastic 
Table Box
This box is 12" x 12" x 6" Tall and comes with a false front drawer on the front.  This is perfect for all those cell phones, keys, and other "JUNK" that gets tossed on the kitchen counter.  Perfect for diapers on a changing table or place on a table and fill with twig balls or candles.  This Table Box is available in Sweet Annie Green (shown in picture), Antique white, Bing Cherry Red, Burnt Umber Brown, Turquoise and Black.  
On Sale ~ $26.00 ~ Finished
To place an order for this darling Table Box, please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a Credit/Debit Card.  Shipping is available and will be calculated on an individual basis and billed through Paypal.

~Debbie Flemming!~
You are the winner of last week's drawing item!
Send me an email and we can set up a time for you to pick this up - 

Today's Drawing Item is Super Cute!
Daisy Door Hanger
16" x 16"
Retail Value - $24.00
If you would like your name entered into our drawing, please leave a comment on this post or email us at .


~See you here tomorrow~

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Happy Lunch Time and Woohoo For Thursday!!!  Only one more day until the weekend begins.  

I know I have said this a lot lately, but today's SALE ITEM is another FAVORITE!!!
Wreath Board w/Wreath
Super cute Huh???
This board is 16" x 16" and has routed lines in it.  We have added a super cute knob, handle for hanging and 15" Sunburst Wreath.  This Wreath board is available in Antique White, Black, and Antique Gold.

Wreath Board W/Wreath
On Sale ~ $24.00
To place an order for this Wreath Board w/Wreath, please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a Credit/Debit Card.  Shipping will be calculated on an individual basis and billed separately through Paypal.

Have a great Thursday and WooHoo For Friday!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Good Morning Everyone!!!!
I am super thrilled about Today's SALE ITEM because I designed it for my boy's bathroom.  When we moved into our home, the boys got their own bathroom.  Wow, has that been awesome!!  I told them they could decorate it anyway they would like as long as they kept it clean......  We started with the Camo shower curtain and a few other cool accessories. It was looking pretty good.....  However, after cleaning their bathroom for the hundreth time because they just aren't doing it to "Mom Standard",  I decided I was going to decorate it "MY Way".  So the tan shower curtain went up, floral greenery was put by the sink, a wreath frame was hung above the toilet, a yummy smelly thing was plugged into the wall and Today's SALE ITEM is hanging next to the window.  

Bathroom Rules
36" tall x 12" wide
Antique White with Black Lettering
Black with White Lettering
Of course there is burlap tied on the top and a hanger on the back for hanging.

Bathroom Rules
On SALE ~ $32.00

To place an order for today's 
Bathroom Rules Sign, 
please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a Credit/Debit card.  Shipping will be calculated on an individual basis and billed through Paypal.  

Have A FANTASTIC Wednesday
~See You All Back Here Tomorrow~