Monday, December 29, 2014

Where have the past couple of weeks gone??????  I can't believe Christmas came and went so quickly.  We were shuffling orders out of here until 10:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve and were so relieved that night when we finally fell into bed at 11:00.  Unfortunately, our little Chloee Bug woke up with the stomach flu on Christmas Eve morning and Eric and I were lucky enough to experience a few days with it also. Thank goodness everyone was healthy for Christmas Day!!  Hopefully that dang flu is gone now for a LONG, LONG, LONG time!!!  

I am just easing back into this working again and I have to admit, I have really enjoyed just taking care of the kids and the home these past few days.  I have missed that as the last few months were consumed with our crazy busy crafting season.   

However, winter is finally upon us and Valentine's day is just around the corner!  

We have up-dated our ETSY store with some new Valentines' Day Decor Items.   Visit our ETSY store by clicking on the link below.....

Remember, if you are local and find something you would like to order from our ETSY store, just email us instead.  If you order directly from the ETSY store, it will charge you for shipping.  Also watch our blog for other Super Snazzy Valentine's day items in the upcoming weeks....

For now...... I am going to post a few of the WINTER items we posted over the past few weeks.  Now that Christmas is over and SNOW finally came the winter items are just itching to make their way to your home.   SOME of these items are IN STOCK now, so place your order quickly!

Let It Snow,
Let It Snow,
Let It Snow ~ Sign
24" Tall x 12" Wide
Painted Dark Navy Blue with White lettering.  Love, Love, Love This Item.
On Sale - $21.00

Baby It's Cold Outside.....
LOVE THESE SIGNS!!!   Each sign is 30" Long x 8" Tall.  We have painted them Night Navy Blue and added White lettering.  It is hard to see in the picture, but the snowman in the "Baby.... It's Cold Outside" sign has a burlap string bow tie. (CUTE HUH???)
Today's SALE PRICE - 
ONLY $15.00 Each

Let It Snow
ONLY $15.00 Each

Winter Wonder Block
8" x 8" - Two Layers of Vinyl and a clear snowflake right in front.  Perfect for a friend or teacher.
On Sale - $10.00

Winter Subway Art
24" Tall x 12" Wide
Dark Blue With White Lettering
On Sale - $24.00

If you would like to place an order for any of the WINTER ITEMS above, please email us at or use the BUY NOW options above.  The BUY NOW options allow you to order and pay for these items using your Paypal Account or a credit/debit card.  

we do have some of these in stock, 
so order NOW!!!

Happy  New Year!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Good Morning Everyone -
Another Crazy Crafting Busy Day around here and time is running out.  Woohoo for the madness.  If any of you are still looking for that last minute gift for Teachers, Co-Workers, Friends, Visiting Teachers etc., I have another super cute item in stock and ready for pick up. 

Again, this is a first come first basis process.
Christmas Subway Art Sign
12" Tall x 7" Wide
Painted Bing Cherry Red with White Vinyl - Wrapped in Cellophane - 
Just Add a Bow!!
We have 11 Available at $10.00 

To place an order for Today's CHRISTMAS Subway Art, please email us QUICKLY or use the BUY NOW Option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a credit/debit card.  

If you would like this item shipped, please email us with the shipping information and we will send you a shipping quote.

Have a VERY Merry Christmas and 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Good Morning and Happy Monday!!!
We have some really great SALE ITEMS this morning.  We participated in a craft boutique over the weekend and had some extra inventory left over.  Rather than box it up, 
we are marking it way down.  
I will list each item, the quantity we have in stock and the price.  Everything will be sold on a first come first serve basis......  As soon as we have sold out, we will re-post our blog entry with a SOLD OUT by the picture.  Please order quickly if this is something you would like.......  

BELIEVE Tall Standing Sign...  
These Signs are 48" Tall x 10" Wide.  Our regular SALE PRICE was $38.00.  
We have three available at $25.00 each.
 This is a FANTASTIC Price!!! 

HOHOHO Block Set
Each block is 6" x 6" and covered in scrapbook paper.  So Cute!!!  Previous SALE PRICE - $15.00
We have 2 sets available at $10.00 each.

Christmas Countdown 
Each countdown is 19" x 13".  
We have 2 of these available at $15.00.

Christmas Subway Art Signs
Each sign is 24" Tall x 12" Wide
All are Bing Cherry Red with White Vinyl. 
We have FOUR of these available for $15.00

Merry Christmas Blocks
Each block is 12" Long x 6".  These are cut from Thick wood so they stand freely.
We have FOUR of these available at $10.00

Merry Christmas Block
Each block is 3.5" Tall x 8" Wide.  We have added Scrapbook, paper, vinyl, tulle and fabric.  We have White, Red and Green blocks.   GREAT NEIGHBOR GIFT
We have 15 of these available at $5.00 each

Merry Christmas Block
Each block is 3.5" Tall x 16" Wide - Available in White, Red and Green.
We have 8 of these available at $10.00

The Stockings Were Hung Blocks
Each block is 3.5" Tall x 12" Wide - Available in White, Red and Green.
We have 11 of these available at $8.00

To place an order for Today's SALE ITEMS, please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  There is a limited supply, so if you would like to order, DO IT NOW!!!

We have a winner for the $25.00 gift card we posted two weeks ago.....
Congratulations to - Kristi Cravalho!!!
Start making your list Kristi!!

Thanks to everyone who entered.
Today's DRAWING Item
is another $25.00 Gift Card
 If you would like your name entered into our drawing, please email us at the above address.

Merry Christmas!!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Good Morning and Happy Thursday!!!
Holy Smack!!!  What a crazy, busy time of year!  We are working fast and furious to finish up all of your Christmas Orders and I find that is a much bigger priority that blogging everyday.  That is why I have been MIA here on this blog.  We are getting close to finishing and will contact each of you when your orders are ready to go!!!

Today's Sale Items can be ready for Christmas, so if you are looking for that last minute gift..... ORDER NOW!!!!

Today's SALE ITEM is perfect for the Winter Season that I am hoping will appear at some point and time before CHRISTMAS..........  Add a cute cellophane bag of Peppermint Paddies along with this sign and Tadaa!!!  Perfect Gift and a great item to put up after the Christmas Decor comes down...

Baby It's Cold Outside.....
LOVE THESE SIGNS!!!   Each sign is 30" Long x 8" Tall.  We have painted them Night Navy Blue and added White lettering.  It is hard to see in the picture, but the snowman in the "Baby.... It's Cold Outside" sign has a burlap string bow tie. (CUTE HUH???)
Today's SALE PRICE - 
ONLY $15.00 Each

Baby It's Cold Outside

Let It Snow

To place an order for Today's WINTER Sale Items, please email us at or use the BUY NOW options above.  The BUY NOW options allow you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a credit/debit card.  

Shipping is available for this item anywhere in the U.S. (other than Hawaii and Alaska) for only $12.00.  If you would like this item shipped to you, please use the BUY NOW shipping button below.  If you are ordering more than one, a shipping discount is available.  Do not use the Shipping BUY NOW button and we will send you a separate invoice.

Have a Super Great Day!!!!  We have not posted the winner for last week's $25.00 Gift Card.  We will post that on Monday!


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Happy Wednesday Everyone.....
Just wanted you all to know we are still alive and crafting, just haven't made it to the blog in  a few days.  Promise to be back tomorrow with more Holiday/Seasonal Sale Items.....  

Have a Great Day!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

I just started to type Good Morning and looked at my phone.  It is after 1:00 already????????  You have got to be kidding me!!!!!

Can I just say how much I love what I do?  It is very stressful at times and I find myself wishing I could work faster.  And then I have a morning like I did today.  A couple of dear friends stopped by to pick up orders and I got to run and visit another sick friend.   I am just so amazed how many wonderful friends we have made over the years because of this silly little  ~Home Decor~ business of ours.  I am simply, simply amazed!!  Thank you, to all of you who are so good to us and who continue to purchase our items!  We are so very grateful for your support and friendship.  (sniff, sniff) 

Check Out Today's SALE ITEM.......  
Perfect for the Winter Snow that I know will eventually come (I think)  Maybe New York got all the snow that was coming this year!  
Let It Snow Sign
Available in two colors.  
Antique White with Black Lettering 
or Black with White Lettering...
We have two different sizes available.  
Small - 24" Tall x 12" Wide
On Sale - $24.00
Large - 48" Tall x 16" Wide
This would be perfect for a porch or by a tree.
On Sale - $40.00

To place an order for Today's SALE ITEM(s), please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a credit/debit card.  

Have a Super Great Day!!
See you back here tomorrow for our Friday Freebie!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Hey Everyone!!!
We hope you are all having a great day today!!!
I wanted to thank all of you who responded to our FREE Sale Item yesterday.  All of our signs are spoken for and will be given away to others who deserve some great Christmas Spirit this year!  We really appreciate all of you who emailed in and are super excited to spread some cheer!!!

Today's SALE ITEM is Super Cute!!
Merry Christmas Sign
20" Long x 8" Tall
Available in Bing Cherry Red with White vinyl.  Check out the jute on the candles and holly!  I love the look of jute!!
On SALE - $15.00
To place an order for Today's Merry Christmas Sign, please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a credit/debit card.  

Shipping is available anywhere in the United States (other than Alaska and Hawaii) for only $12.00.  Order now and enjoy it during the Christmas Season.

Merry Christmas To All!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

 Good Morning Friends...
Nothing like a little Josh Groban Christmas Music playing to get you in the Christmas Spirit.  As much as I completely love this time of year, I am fully aware that it can be a really hard time of year for some.  I must admit, that as much as I enjoy the Christmas Season (and that is a lot), I also have concerns as I think about those who are less fortunate or who are missing someone so deeply.   The greatest part about this time of year is the celebration of our Savior Jesus Christ's Birth.   Because of him, our hearts can be comforted in our great times of sorrow and heart ache.  I know this because I have experienced this.  

For many of you who do not know, my sweet husband suffers from a horrible disease in his back.  It is a disease that cannot be cured.  It is very painful and hard to live with.  He was diagnosed with this disease while he was serving a mission for the LDS church over 20 years ago.  It has been an up hill battle most of the time for him and our family, but the tender mercies from our Heavenly Father have been poured out upon us and we have truly felt his love and light in our lives. The Christmas Season has definitely been a time during our journey where we have felt his love through so many of his other children.  

In 2005 my sweet daughter was born.  Eric had quit his job to attend Utah State University.  His health was declining and doctor's told us he could no longer continue the work he was doing.  I knew beyond a doubt that this was the right thing for us to do, but at the same time we still had to pay our bills.  I look back at those four years of school and truly wonder how we did it with a mortgage, bills and three kids to raise.   Our only source of income was our small home decor business and student loans.  What a MIRACLE.  I remember the Christmas after Chloee was born very clearly.  It was later in the evening and I had just gotten out of the shower (which was probably the first shower I had that day considering I had a 6 month old baby - lol)  There was a knock on the door and a sweet lady asked me if I was Mandy.  I told her yes and she asked me if I could come outside on the porch for a minute.  I followed her out the door and sitting on my porch were three or four big black garbage bags.  She explained to me that someone knew our family was going through tough times and they wanted to help us with Christmas that year.  The crazy this is, everything from the clothes to the toys were perfect for our kids.  There were grocery gift cards, food and even presents for Eric and I.  I couldn't believe it.  I was in shock.... standing there with wet hair, in my bathrobe, holding my new baby (wrapped in a blanket of course) in the freezing cold.  Crazy enough, I wasn't cold at all.  I felt more love that night that I knew possible.  I still can't think about that Christmas without tears running down my face because that was a Christmas Miracle for us.  I will never forget on Christmas Morning when Kylan (only 7 at the time) said..... "We must have been really good this year, because Santa brought us a lot of things this year."
What a Christmas Miracle.....

Crazy enough, this has happened to us several times over the years.  We have had the 12 days of Christmas left on our porch a couple of times and another year our complete Christmas was delivered on Christmas Eve.  We were asked to fill out a wish list and with hesitancy we made very humble lists (more of our needs than wants).  The lists were returned to us and we were told that "our lists weren't going to cut it".  They wanted to know what we truly wanted and some of our biggest desires.  That is a pretty tough thing to do, so I wrote the list for Eric and he wrote mine.  I remember asking for a better mattress for him to sleep on and he asked for a small TV for our bedroom for me.  Everything that was on our lists was delivered.  Even the Denver Bronco Jersey (several days after Christmas) that my son had asked for.  I still am so humbled when I think about that Christmas.  People are so good!!!
It Truly Is The Season Of Miracles.....  

Christmas is the time where we focus on the Savior Jesus Christ.   He went about this earth sharing with everyone he knew.  He loved everyone and looked for people who were less fortunate and blessed them.  

This is our time of year to share and bless those who are less fortunate than we are. 

Today's SALE ITEM Is FREE!!!
Free because we want these items to go to someone who may need comfort and love during this holiday season. I only have 15 of this item available (I wish we could do more!).
 PLEASE carefully consider those you know who may be struggling at this time of year.  Maybe they have no employment or have lost a loved one..... Maybe they just need a little love.....  If you know of someone, please email us at and let us know.  We will put one of these signs aside for you to pick up.  You are welcome to deliver it to them anonymously or give it to them in person.  Please don't mention us, just share the love our Savior has for them.  
These signs are actually painted red with white vinyl, but this is what they look like.  Each sign is 12" Tall x 7" Wide.

Thank you for spending time with us and our blog today!  We know our Savior lives and loves each one of us.  Please focus on him this holiday season and serve all those around you.  That is truly how the true meaning of Christmas enters our lives. 

Sending out Lots of Christmas Love -
Mandy, Eric, Kylan, Ghavan and Chloee

Monday, December 1, 2014

Good Morning Everyone!!!
I am simply running behind today!!!!!  So much to do when we take time off, but it was well worth it!  We spent Thanksgiving Day here at home with family and friends and spent the weekend in Salt Lake with my two sisters and their families.  We have been taking this Christmas Trip for the past 15 years and it is the best family tradition.  It gives us time to walk away from work and just spend time together.  Swimming in the pool, rushing in and out of stores and eating (a lot).  It was a huge blessing being together!!!

Ok, Now Down To Business.....
Today's SALE ITEMS are Perfect for gift giving!!!  We ran these a couple months ago for my son's Rodeo Fundraiser and we have had several orders come in lately, so we thought we would run these items on sale again.

Everyday Decor Signs
These signs are 24" x 10"
~Available in four different color options~
Antique White with Black Lettering
Black with White Lettering
Bing Cherry Red with White Lettering
and Burnt Umber Brown with White Lettering. 
On Sale - $15.00 Each
Order 4 our more and get them for only $10.00!

To place an order for Today's SALE ITEM, please email us at or use the BUY NOW Option(s) above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a credit/debit card.

SHIPPING is available for this item.  We can ship this item anywhere in the U.S. (other than Alaska and Hawaii)  for $12.00 for one, or up to 4 signs for $18.00.  Order this week and get them in time for CHRISTMAS!!!

We also have a drawing winner for our Grinch Sign (Remember last week's Monday Drawing???)
Congratulations To - 
Brett Humphreys!!
Please send us an email and we can set up a time for you to pick up this sign!  A HUGE Thanks to everyone who entered our drawing!

Today's DRAWING ITEM is perfect for gift giving!
$25.00 GIFT CARD for On The Avenue!!!
Who Doesn't Want A GIFT CARD??
If you would like your name entered into our drawing, please email us at 

Good Luck and have a great Monday!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
We just wanted to send out a HUGE Happy Thanksgiving wish to all of you!  We are so grateful for you!!  I am over whelmed at the support we have received over the years and how loyal you have all been to us.  

We are so grateful and feel so blessed to know all of you and to be a small part of your lives!

We wish you a VERY HAPPY Thanksgiving and hope you all find great joy in the blessings you have received!

Much Love -
Mandy and the Gang!

We will see you back here on Monday - We are taking a few days off of work to spend time with our family!!!  

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Hey Everyone!!
I am getting a slow start with our blog this morning.  I had several errands to run this morning and I had the privilege of speaking to a nursing class this morning about my own ~Cancer Journey~ and it was a great experience.  Now I am back to crafting and blogging in a fast and furious way!!

Today's SALE ITEM is perfect for gift giving because it is an everyday decor item that can be used after our Christmas Decorations all come down.  

HOME & LOVE Blocks
Each block is 6" x 6" and painted black.  We have added scrapbook paper, another piece of 1/8 wood with vinyl and some jute tied around the base of the block.
Blocks are on Sale for $5.00 Each.
On Sale - $5.00 Each

To place an order for Today's Home and Love Blocks, please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a credit/debit card.  

Shipping is available for $12.00 anywhere in the U.S. (other than Hawaii and Alaska).  We can ship up to 8 Blocks for the $12.00 shipping.  

Have a Wonderful Tuesday!!!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Good Morning and Happy Monday!!
We had another Great "TOO SHORT" weekend and the kids cannot wait for tomorrow to be over and for Thanksgiving break to begin.  Thanksgiving weekend is one of our favorite times of the year and we are super excited to get it started.

Remember Last Week's DRAWING Items???
Temple Pictures???
We will be posting our six winners at the end of this post.

For Now.... Let's Talk SALE ITEMS!!
Today's SALE ITEM are another perfect Christmas Gift Giving Idea because it can be used through out the winter season.  

Let It Snow,
Let It Snow,
Let It Snow ~ Sign
24" Tall x 12" Wide
Painted Dark Navy Blue with White lettering.  
Love, Love, Love This Item.
On Sale - $21.00

To place an order for Today's Let It Snow Sign, please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a credit/debit card.

SHIPPING for this item is $12.00 anywhere in the U.S. other than Alaska and Hawaii.  
If you would like this item shipped, please use the BUY NOW option below.

A Big Thanks to everyone who entered our drawing that was sponsored by 
Congratulations To.....
Brynlee Nelson - 20x24
Terri Pollock Walden - 16X20
Debbie Coleman - 11X14
Lindsey Ekins Shakespear - 11X14
Barbara Christensen - 11X14
Amy Poppleton - 11X14

Please email Becca at to place your order!!!  Congratulations to each of you and a HUGE thanks to everyone who entered last week's drawing. 

Check out Today's DRAWING Item...
Grinch Sign..... 24X12
Retail - $24.00

If you would like your name entered into our drawing, please email us at 
Good Luck and have a great Monday!