Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Today is our $10.00 Tuesday! 
Make sure you jump over to Facebook at 10:00 a.m.  for fantastic items at a FANTASTIC price!!
Items will be posted through out the day on the following facebook pages.  

Mandy Schiess
On The Avenue
Make It With Mandy

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Today is our $10.00 Tuesday! 
Make sure you jump over to Facebook at 10:00 a.m.  for fantastic items at a FANTASTIC price!!
Items will be posted through out the day on the following facebook pages.  

Mandy Schiess
On The Avenue
Make It With Mandy

Monday, May 18, 2015

Tomorrow is our $10.00 Tuesday! 
Make sure you jump over to Facebook at 10:00 a.m.  for fantastic items at a FANTASTIC price!!
Items will be posted through out the day on the following facebook pages.  

Mandy Schiess
On The Avenue
Make It With Mandy

Well Hello Everyone!!!
Ghavan, Grandma Abbott, Me, Chloee and Grandpa Abbott
Another wonderful weekend is over.  Our final High School Rodeo for this school year is over and now... we are going to rest.  (LOL)  We spent this past weekend in Delta, Utah and we had a great weekend.  Ghavan roped his first time Friday night close to midnight.  Yep, Midnight!!!  He was #95 our of 95 team ropers and his event was the last event of the day.  What are the odds???  My Ghavan missed both times, but had a great attitude about things and we loved being together.  Another huge blessing of traveling to Delta is my Grandparents and Aunt and Uncle live there.  I talked my mom into coming with us and we were able to spend lots of time with them and it was awesome.  My Grandpa is turning 90 this year.  CRAZY!!!  He servecd in World War II and told us many stories about the war while we visited with he and my grandma.  I was so impressed with the details he remembered and the stories he told us.  It was Just An Awesome Trip!  We got home early evening last night and I am working away at the laundry, cleaning and work!!!

My cute mom and her mom.  Love you both!
My Eric and Grandpa Abbott!!  Love you both!
And Now to our On The Avenue Business.......
We have a winner for last week's $25.00 gift card.
Congratulations to Janet Maurer!!!!
Thanks to everyone who entered last week.

Today's Drawing Item is Our
American Latte Flag!
If you would like your name entered into our drawing this week, please email us at ontheavenuelogan@gmail.com  
We will post the winner one week from today!!!
Good Luck Everyone!!!!!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Well Helllooooo Everyone!  
Happy Monday and I can't believe another weekend is behind us.  It was another busy, but great one.  My boys had another High School Rodeo this weekend.  Chloee and I stayed home for this one.  Hours in the rain just didn't sound fun............... so we decided to have a girls night out Friday and went to dinner and the movie ~Cinderella~ (in the theatre).  It was so much fun.  There was a group of us that went (sister, sister in law, mother, sister's mother in law and cousin) Loved the movie and the popcorn fight in the parking lot after was a blast also!  LOL  Who knew it was so hard to catch popcorn in your mouth when the wind is blowing....  WE  KNOW NOW!!!  A Big HUGE thanks to everyone who went with us.  I just love family!!

Ky and Ghavan both shot trap and Ghavan roped.  And GUESS WHAT???? Ky took 2nd place and won this beautiful belt buckle!!!  

He missed his first 3 shots which was a little shocking for all of us....... But THEN..... he hit 22 clay pigeons in a row.  Then..... 25 more which put him in a shoot off.  And once again 25 more clay piegons were blown to pieces.  (Wow, that is 72 in a row.... AWESOME!!).  They then had to back up several feet and start the process over.  Ky finally dropped a couple and ended up taking 2nd place.  The great thing about this is his buddy is the one that took 1st!  Congratulations Colter and woohoo for the Bridgerland Rodeo Club!!!!  We are proud of you both!!!

Ghavan caught again which was awesome! 
 He is working hard and getting better every week.  What a great way of life.
Look who slept in the horse trailer and listened to trains all night......  (Whew, not me!!)
And Mother's Day was awesome!  Spent time at church and ate a DELICIOUS home cooked meal by my sweetie!!!  Mashed Potatoes, steak, shrimp and rolls.  DELICIOUS!!!  Just so much to be thankful for!!!

Ok, now down to business.......  We have a super lucky winner from last week's drawing.  Remember the Super Cute Calendar Holder/Wreath Frame????  
Congratulations To Jackie Peterson!!!!!
Woohoo - Jackie - shoot me an email and let me know which color you would like.  

Today's Drawing Item is FANTASTIC!!!  Who wouldn't love a $25.00 Gift Card to On The Avenue.  Spend it on our $10.00 Tuesday items or come to our ~Make It With Mandy" Craft night.  So much fun to be had.  If you would like your name entered into our drawing..... please email us at ontheavenuelogan@gmail.com and tell us your favorite color to decorate with.  Good Luck To You All!!! 

No $10.00 Tuesday tomorrow!!!
We will not be having our $10.00 Tuesday tomorrow.  My Chloee Bug is racing in the Wellsville Mile tomorrow and I can't wait to watch her.  Good Luck Chloee!!!

Have a great day!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Happy Friday Everyone!!!
We just wanted to shoot out a quick reminder for any of you who are still looking for that perfect Mother's Day Gift!!!!

We have Gift Cards Available for any amount you choose.  Our Gift Cards can be redeemed at our ~Make It With Mandy~ Craft Night, for our $10.00 Tuesday Items or how about some fantastic furniture, shelves and Everyday Decor.....  

Happy Mother's Day To All Mothers!!!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Happy Lunch Time Everyone!!!!
I can't believe It has been a whole week since I posted here and I just can't believe how fast time flies by!   Last week was as busy as ever.  I am in the Young Women's organization in our church (I get to work with the awesome 12-18 year old girls).  We have an activity night every Tuesday and our class was in charge of last week's activity with the young men in our ward.  We played ~HUMAN HUNGRY HIPPOS~.  Holy SMACK, that was a barrel of fun and laughter!!!  For any of you who are not familiar with what this game is, go to you tube and search for Human Hungry Hippos.  Oh My Word!!!  It was so much fun.  Our leaders and bishopric joined in and what a GREAT TIME!!!  I enjoyed it even more because Ky, Ghavan and Chloee were there with me having a great time.  Love those kids!!!  

We had a great weekend of working!!!  Many of you have been picking up orders and we appreciate it so much.  We have oodles of orders going out these doors daily and we appreciate all of you for ordering from us!!!
Check out this beautiful piece of furniture that was picked up on Saturday and made it's way home to Boise, ID. 
Isn't it beautiful???
I really wanted to keep it for myself.  LOL
Love, Love, Love!!!!!
When I went out to take the picture of this hutch, I found my boys being very responsible while having a good time.  Apparently it is a great idea to wear a Snowmobile Helmet and Goggles when riding a child's scooter.  I am so glad they are so Responsible........  Hahahahahaha!  (If that is what you call it).  
Kylan doing tricks on his scooter!!!

Ky and Kaden!!!  Thanks for loving us Kaden!!!

Tomorrow is our Awesome $10.00 Tuesday!!!!!
It will be a little SPOOKY (hint, hint).  Don't miss out if you are a fan of Halloween......
Make sure you jump over to Facebook at 10:00 a.m.  for fantastic items at a FANTASTIC price!!
Items will be posted through out the day on the following facebook pages.  

Mandy Schiess
On The Avenue
Make It With Mandy

Ok, Now it is time for us to post the winner for last week's Drawing.  We have OOOOOODLES of entries and can't wait to annouce the winner.  
Congratulations to Koriann Hamilton!!!!
You are the winner of this amazing sign!!  Give me a call and we can set up a time for you to pick it up.

Today's Drawing Item is AWESOME!!!
We designed these years ago and still sell ooooodles of them.
Calendar/Wreath Holder
Retail Value - $49.00
 If you would like your name in our drawing for this fantastic Calendar/Wreath Holder, please email us at ontheavenuelogan@gmail.com

Have a Super Great Day!!!!