Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday, April 30th
Here we are starting a new week again.  I have been looking forward to this week and I am also very nervous for this week.  Away with the cancer and onto recovery.  I am still shocked when I think about having cancer.  I am sure everyone who is told they have cancer is shocked!  This week takes me one step closer to being cancer free and that is absolutely awesome! 

 We will continue to have SALE ITEMS posted every day.  I have prepared a few posts for the next couple days and Eric thinks he will be taking over the blog while I am resting.    You may be in for a real treat - He absolutely cracks me up so I hope you all enjoy his funny sense of humor.  

Today's SALE ITEM is this Fantastic American Flag.  This flag is 12" Tall x 24" Long and comes with berries, moss & a handle for hanging.  This would look fantastic on the front of a door or house.  Retail:  $28.00 - On Sale for $14.00 - This is an incredible deal!

We will be working as quickly as possible to fill all of the orders that come in.  Your orders should be done within 7-10 business days.  We will contact you as soon as your order is ready for pick up.  If your order is being shipped, we will email or call you the day it ships.  We appreciate all of you and the orders you are placing.  Enjoy Your Day!!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday, April 28th
Good Morning and Welcome to ~Make Your House A Home~.  I apologize we haven't had a Saturday post the past couple of weeks.  I have truly tried to stay up on everything during this super crazy time, but that is one thing I just couldn't get to.  It feels good to be back writing this post.   These ~Make Your House A Home~ posts have really made me think about the things that truly ~Make Our House A Home~.  Of course there is the physical part of a home which I absolutely am passionate about.  I Love decorating.  I love moving things around and giving our house a fresh look.  I love creating new items and placing them in my home.  I absolutely love taking something old and making it look newer.  I don't LOVE cleaning, but I LOVE having a clean home and that is the driving force that helps me clean everyday, do laundry everyday, wash dishes everyday and make beds everyday!  A Clean Home is a Peaceful Home (and then the kids come home.... - Just Kidding).  I find myself wanting that picture perfect home that we see in magazines, but then I remember.  If those homes had people living in them I bet there were toys, dirty dishes, laundry piled high, and unmade beds just hours before the pictures were taken.  For me, it is impossible to keep that picture perfect home all the time and that is ok.  We live in our home and that is what is important (but decorating it cute comes in a close second)
 So many of you know the story about how Eric and I met.  It was true love at first sight.  It was 9th grade, Algebra class (that was back before they started teaching Algebra in 3rd grade).  I remember asking a friend of mine who he was.  She leaned her head over to my ear and said "He's Just A Nerd".  A Nerd?  I thought he was pretty cute.  During our high school years we became super great friends and by our Senior Year we were falling in love.  Sounds Crazy Doesn't It?  It sounds even crazier when I think about my oldest son turning 15 this year and realize he is WAY TOO Young to be falling in love.  But we did.  I lived in a busy sub-division and he was raised on a farm.  I liked that about him.  He was a hard worker, was very physical fit (WooHoo for that), played football and wrestled.  But best of all, he treated me like a Queen.  He was so kind to me and we loved being together.  It was a match made in Heaven.  So after all these years of us being together I shouldn't be surprised that he has tuned our little half acre lot into a small farm.  After all, I knew he was a farm kid when I married him.  I guess I just didn't think we would ever have a small farm of our own.   It has happened gradually.  First we started with the two dogs, my awesome cat (I ok'd that one)and then a goat (which was cute when he was a baby...)  He added a bee hive last year and now we have a darling floppy eared bunny and 13 chickens that wander the yard.  Yes, we do get fresh eggs everyday and that is nice, but holy cow.  That is a lot of mouths to feed!!  The whole point of this story is one of the greatest things that makes our house a home are the giggles that we hear when Chloee has her baby bunny wrapped in a blanket so she can hold him, Or the way Ghavan yells for Oreo.  And that dang dog Higgins.  He loves trucks... we don't know why.  But if one drives by, he chases it!  Poor Kylan has yelled at that dang dog more times that we can count.  It was absolutely hilarious when we tried walking to church this past Sunday and all 13 chickens were right behind us.  I insisted that Eric walk back to the house so his little lady chickens would follow him home. 
Thank you for letting me share a little more about our family and our home.     
So remember, no matter how you choose to decorate your home, don't forget about the small little things that truly make a home feel good.  Laughter of family or friends, good food, great music, and even a dog or too.  One of my favorite sayings is "Be Your Own Kind Of Beautiful".  Enough Said!!
Thank you for spending part of your day with us and enjoy your weekend.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday "Freebies" - April 27th
Good Morning and Happy Friday Everyone!!!  Remember, when you order our SALE ITEM today, you get a Freebie!  How many of you have a porch you would like to decorate for the seasons & holidays?  I have a HUGE porch and I love decorating it.  The picture above shows a DARLING BENCH decorated with an Antique American Flag and a twig wreath.  Very simple and patriotic.  Today's SALE ITEM It this Picket Fence Bench.  Retail:  $149.00 - On Sale for $74.50.  If you don't have a porch, this would be darling in an entry way or laundry room....  This bench is available in Antique White, Black, Bunt Umber Brown or Bing Cherry Red.  Use our BUY NOW option below if you would like to pay with Pay Pal or your Credit/Debit Card.
These Benches Will Be Ready To Pick Up Or Shipping Three Weeks From Today
(thanks to a little surgery that is taking place next week)
The Friday Freebie for today is this LAZY DAYS OF SUMMER Skinny Mini Sign - Retail Value $8.00.  Thank you for spending part of your day with us at On The Avenue!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday, April 26th
Good morning and welcome wind & rain storm.  Good Grief, I just spent the last few minutes running through the house shutting windows.  It is even a little chilly now.  I think we need a SALE ITEM to warm things up a bit.  (That was kind of cheesy, but just go with it - LOL)  Today's item is a favorite!! 
 These Super Cute LIBERTY Jumbo Letters come in red, white and blue alternated colors like shown above.  Each letter is 5" Wide x 7" Tall.  Many of you have purchased our letters in the past (painted and ready to go) and have added ribbons and scrapbook paper.  Love This Idea!!!  It is always fun to add your own twist to things.  I do that often!!  
Retail:  $29.00 - 
On Sale for $14.50 - 50% Savings (Of  Course)
Remember our BUY NOW option that allows you to pay with your Pay Pal account or a Credit/Debit Card.  This payment option can be used by selecting the BUY NOW button below.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday, April 25th
Hey Everyone!!  I started to post our Sale Item today and the computer told me that I couldn't do it anymore.  Ahhhh, I panicked for a minute and then my sweet Eric helped me fix this.  I really was worried, but thank goodness we have it all fixed and are ready to post a NEW SALE ITEM today.  Today's Sale Item is another great 4th Of July Item.  This Triple Star Bead Box is fantastic for hanging or setting in a easel.  It comes with a fabric handle for hanging, moss & berries.  This box is 20" Long X 12" Tall.  Retail:  $29.00 - On Sale for $14.50 - Another GREAT 50% Savings.  

Last week we were selected randomly for a security check through Pay Pal.  Because of this, many of you were unable to use the Buy Now Options on the items you ordered.  Everything is up and working now.  For any of you who ordered and still want to purchase it through Pay Pal, please go to that post and use the Buy Now Button.  Thanks you and sorry for any inconvenience!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday, April 24th

Good Morning Everyone. The kids are out of school today which we LOVE! My Ghavan has been out mowing the lawn and it smells SOOOOO Good. I love the smell of a freshly mowed lawn. Not sure where the Sunshine is today, but I guess if I watched the news at night, I would have a better idea of what the weather is going to be like. (SMILE)

We have a FANTASTIC SALE ITEM Today! These God Bless America Blocks are Awesome! We sold SEVERAL of our GOD Bless America Block sets so we are posting another set that goes along with those. The scrapbook paper will be different that this picture and will match the block set we posted last week. The block sizes are 4"X7", 3.5" x 10" and 3.5" X 12". Retail: $24.00 - On Sale for $12.00 - Another great 50% Savings.

As most of you know we hand craft all of our SALE ITEMS after the orders are placed. This allows us to sell our items at a SALE PRICE because we aren't sitting on extra inventory. This also allows us to offer different colors on many of our larger everyday items. We are committed to getting your orders completed and ready for pickup or shipping within 10 business days after your order is placed. When ordering we encourage you to use our BUY NOW option that is below this post on our blog - This will help us process your order quicker!! When using the BUY NOW option below you are able to process your payment using your Pay Pal account or a Credit or Debit Card. We still accept payment at the time of pick up if this payment process works better for you. If you choose the BUY NOW option to purchase your items, please email us with the details of your order at

Monday, April 23, 2012

Good Day Sunshine! - Monday, April 23rd

I absolutely love the sunshine. It adds an extra hop to my step when the sun is brightly shining. We had a fun family BBQ yesterday to celebrate my mom and niece's birthday. It was so much fun! We laughed and laughed! I Love My Family!!

So many of you have asked for an update on our Exciting Cancer Journey and now we have more information, we would love to share it with you. This is definitely a personal journey for our family, but if it can help just one of you then we would love to share our story with all of you. This past week has been a rollercoaster of emotions. I went back into visit with my surgeon this past Monday and was expecting him to send me home with great news that my incision was healing well and it was time to start treatment. Although he did tell me that the incision was healing wonderfully, he also added that the pathology reports came back and they did not feel confident with the amount of cancer tissue they removed. He then explained that the only way they could guarantee that all the cancer cells were removed from my body was a Mastectomy. Wow, that was like a sucker punch to the stomach!! I was not expecting that at all. To make a long story short, we visited with a couple other Dr.'s through out the week and have come to a final decision. Next week I will be going into surgery for a Double Mastectomy and Reconstructive surgery. We feel very confident that this is the right decision. The double mastectomy will give me a less than 1% chance of this cancer coming back versus a 40% chance of it returning if we only remove one side. Also, with the double Mastectomy, there will be no reason for Chemo or Radiation!!! WooHoo!! I am so thrilled about that. There will be multiple surgeries after this one to help with the reconstruction, but the cancer will be GONE!!! What a miracle. I am so grateful that this cancer was found! Eric and I have said over and over that the Lord truly had his hand in every moment of our lives over the past few months. Everything was laid out perfectly and we are so grateful. Thank you Everyone! Your cards, flowers, visits, emails and phone calls have been absolutely overwhelming. You will never know how much they have meant to our family! We especially appreciate your prayers of comfort, not only for Eric and I, but for our sweet kids! This can be a traumatizing time for young kids and they have truly felt the spirit and know that our Savior and Heavenly Father love them and are aware of them. We love you and appreciate you all! Thank You!!

Now for some fun. The winner of our "Much Is Given" Tile is Stephanie Olson. Congratulations Stephanie!! Shoot me an email and we can set up a time for you to pick this up! Thank you to everyone who entered!

This week's drawing item is this Super Duper Cute Shelf. Retail value is $89.00 - If you would like your name entered into our drawing, please leave a comment on this post or email us at If you are a follower of our blog, please mention it and we will enter your name into the drawing five times. Good Luck To You All!!!
We also have another FANTASTIC SALE Item today. This "One Nation Under God" sign is perfect for a Americana display. Place this on an easel with a rustic American flag and pip berries. Love this sign!! This sign is 24" Long x 12" Tall. Retail: $29.00 - On Sale for $14.50 - that would be an awesome 50% Savings! This would be perfect on a front door!

As most of you know we hand craft all of our SALE ITEMS after the orders are placed. This allows us to sell our items at a SALE PRICE because we aren't sitting on extra inventory. This also allows us to offer different colors on many of our larger everyday items. We are committed to getting your orders completed and ready for pickup or shipping within 5 business days after your order is placed. When ordering we encourage you to use our BUY NOW option that is below this post on our blog - This will help us process your order quicker!! When using the BUY NOW option below you are able to process your payment using your Pay Pal account or a Credit or Debit Card. We still accept payment at the time of pick up if this payment process works better for you. If you choose the BUY NOW option to purchase your items, please email us with the details of your order at

Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday "Freebies", April 20th

Well Hello Everyone and Happy Friday! It looks like we are set for a beautiful weekend and we can't wait. My sweet mom turned 60 today and we are excited to have a Birthday BBQ this weekend. Happy Birthday to the best mom in the whole world!!! I Love You Mom!!

We have a FANTASTIC Sale Item today and don't forget about that great Friday Freebie that comes with the purchase of today's Sale Item. I Love this set of 4th Of July Firecrackers - The large fire cracker is 15" tall and the small is 8" tall. This set retails for $34.00 - On Sale For $17.00 per set - WooHoo, order these and save 50%!

Our Friday Freebie today is this set of USA Blocks. Each block is 4" Tall x 6" Wide. Retail Value: $18.00 -

As most of you know we hand craft all of our SALE ITEMS after the orders are placed. This allows us to sell our items at a SALE PRICE because we aren't sitting on extra inventory. This also allows us to offer different colors on many of our larger everyday items. We are committed to getting your orders completed and ready for pickup or shipping within 5 business days after your order is placed. When ordering we encourage you to use our BUY NOW option that is below this post on our blog - This will help us process your order quicker!! When using the BUY NOW option below you are able to process your payment using your Pay Pal account or a Credit or Debit Card. We still accept payment at the time of pick up if this payment process works better for you. If you choose the BUY NOW option to purchase your items, please email us with the details of your order at

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday, April 19th

It's almost the weekend! YaHoo!!! Thank you for the great response we had on yesterday's Sale Item. It went really well and we will continue to post some more fun Americana Sale Items. Today's Sale Item is our Star On Bead! This is a very popular item!! The Beadboard is 10"x10" and comes with a fabric handle for hanging. We have set this star into a display so either option works. Retail: $18.00 - On Sale for $9.00 - that is another 50% Savings!

As most of you know we hand craft all of our SALE ITEMS after the orders are placed. This allows us to sell our items at a SALE PRICE because we aren't sitting on extra inventory. This also allows us to offer different colors on many of our larger everyday items. We are committed to getting your orders completed and ready for pickup or shipping within 5 business days after your order is placed. When ordering we encourage you to use our BUY NOW option that is below this post on our blog - This will help us process your order quicker!! When using the BUY NOW option below you are able to process your payment using your Pay Pal account or a Credit or Debit Card. We still accept payment at the time of pick up if this payment process works better for you. If you choose the BUY NOW option to purchase your items, please email us with the details of your order at

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday, April 18th

Good morning to everyone! As you all know we have been posting a lot of Summer Decor Items these past few weeks. We are also going to start posting our 4th Of July Items. I absolutely love decorating with Americana stuff all summer long (especially on my front porch). The summer to me is a very patriotic time. Today's Sale Item is this set of God Bless America Blocks. We sold these last year and they were a huge hit. Retail Price is $28.00 - On Sale for 50% OFF - Sale Price $14.00. These are the same size as the Lazy Days Of Summer Blocks we posted last week.

As most of you know we hand craft all of our SALE ITEMS after the orders are placed. This allows us to sell our items at a SALE PRICE because we aren't sitting on extra inventory. This also allows us to offer different colors on many of our larger everyday items. We are committed to getting your orders completed and ready for pickup or shipping within 5 business days after your order is placed. When ordering we encourage you to use our BUY NOW option that is below this post on our blog - This will help us process your order quicker!! When using the BUY NOW option below you are able to process your payment using your Pay Pal account or a Credit or Debit Card. We still accept payment at the time of pick up if this payment process works better for you. If you choose the BUY NOW option to purchase your items, please email us with the details of your order at

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday, April 17th

Another morning is before us and off we go! Breakfast made, laundry started, dishes done and most of the kids to school. After last week, I am so grateful I am up and running and able to do all these Motherly Things!! Today's Sale Item is this Welcome Watermelon Yard Stake. Retail: $29.00 - On Sale For 50% OFF - Sale Price $14.50. Our Yard Stakes are very popular and this one is no exception. Welcome all of your friends and neighbors with this watermelon in your flower bed!!

As most of you know we hand craft all of our SALE ITEMS after the orders are placed. This allows us to sell our items at a SALE PRICE because we aren't sitting on extra inventory. This also allows us to offer different colors on many of our larger everyday items. We are committed to getting your orders completed and ready for pickup or shipping within 5 business days after your order is placed. When ordering we encourage you to use our BUY NOW option that is below this post on our blog - This will help us process your order quicker!! When using the BUY NOW option below you are able to process your payment using your Pay Pal account or a Credit or Debit Card. We still accept payment at the time of pick up if this payment process works better for you. If you choose the BUY NOW option to purchase your items, please email us with the details of your order at

Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday, April 16th

Good Morning OTA Friends! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! We had a great weekend. Eric worked the entire weekend and I didn't do much. I am shocked at how tired I have been since my surgery. My brain wants to get going and my body keeps disagreeing. I actually am feeling much better today and more back to normal! Whew! What a relief. I have things to do - (SMILE). Many of you have asked for us to keep you updated, so I will try and post a little as things progress! I have a Dr.'s appointment today to make sure the surgery went well and all of the Cancer Cells were removed. Then hopefully this week we will find out what treatments I will need to undergo. We know that Radiation is for sure, but aren't sure about Chemo. I sure hope Chemo is out of the picture, but if it is something we have to do, who needs hair anyway right??? (sniff, sniff) Eric has gone for years without it and he looks great! Again, once we find out the next step we will share part of this journey with all of you. Also..... For any of you who have not had a mammogram or don't want to have a mammorgram GO DO IT!!! I would be in a lot of trouble if I wouldn't have had one. I am only 37 years old and most doctor's don't recommend a mammogram until 40. But if breast cancer runs in your family - GO DO IT!!! It might save your life!! It saved mine! You know that beautiful song by Martina McBride about Breast Cancer? My dad sent that to me in an email last week. In that song it says that cancer doesn't care if you are young and or if have children still to raise. That is absolutely right!! - Just Go Do it!!

Ok, so on a lighter note - How About A SALE ITEM??? We have this Darling "BUG OFF" Lady Bug Sign on Sale Today. Retail: $22.00 - On Sale For $11.00 - that is another 50% SAVINGS.

As most of you know we hand craft all of our SALE ITEMS after the orders are placed. This allows us to sell our items at a SALE PRICE because we aren't sitting on extra inventory. This also allows us to offer different colors on many of our larger everyday items. We are committed to getting your orders completed and ready for pickup or shipping within 5 business days after your order is placed. When ordering we encourage you to use our BUY NOW option that is below this post on our blog - This will help us process your order quicker!! When using the BUY NOW option below you are able to process your payment using your Pay Pal account or a Credit or Debit Card. We still accept payment at the time of pick up if this payment process works better for you. If you choose the BUY NOW option to purchase your items, please email us with the details of your order at

We also have a winner for the Welcome Wreath Shutter - Congratulations to Laura Speth!! WooHoo! Give me a call at 435-755-8471 or email us at and we can set up a time for you to pick this up. Thank you to everyone who entered.

Today's Drawing item is 12X12 Tile - Where Much Is Given, Much is Required which is valued at $15.00. If you would like to enter today's drawing, please leave a comment on this post or email us at If you are a follower of our blog, please mention it and we will enter your name into the drawing 5 times. Good Luck to everyone and have a Fantastic Day!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday Freebies - April 13th

Another good morning to everyone out there. I hope you have all had a great week and are ready for a Friday Freebie!! Today's Sale Item is this DARLING Bead Board Table w/False Drawer. Dimensions for this table are 12" Deep x 16" Across x 30" Tall. Available in Antique White (shown below), Black, Burnt Umber Brown and Black. Retail: $149.00 - On Sale For 50% OFF - Sale Price $74.50!

And The Friday Freebie that goes with this table is our Small Stools. The dimensions for this stool are 12"x12"x12". These are great for displaying decor items or for sitting on. Available in Black. Retail value: $28.00 -

As most of you know we hand craft all of our SALE ITEMS after the orders are placed. This allows us to sell our items at a SALE PRICE because we aren't sitting on extra inventory. This also allows us to offer different colors on many of our larger everyday items. We are committed to getting your orders completed and ready for pickup or shipping within 5 business days after your order is placed. When ordering we encourage you to use our BUY NOW option that is below this post on our blog - This will help us process your order quicker!! When using the BUY NOW option below you are able to process your payment using your Pay Pal account or a Credit or Debit Card. We still accept payment at the time of pick up if this payment process works better for you. If you choose the BUY NOW option to purchase your items, please email us with the details of your order at

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday, April 12th

Good Morning Friends! Thank you again for all the well wishes! I am so humble and grateful for all of you. We are doing great and moving forward. I slept great last night, got up feeling great and now I am super tired. (Dang, I was hoping to be completely back to normal) Eric keeps telling me to sit down, lay down, get rest and all those wonderful things. I sure love him! I told him the couch is calling my name as soon as I get our SALE ITEM Posted today.

How about this Great Set of 4 Summer Skinny Mini Signs. Great for Visiting Teaching, Birthdays and so much more. Each sign retails for $8.00 and this Set Of 4 is on Sale for $10.00. This is a HUGE Savings. Each sign is 2" Tall x 16" Long.

As most of you know we hand craft all of our SALE ITEMS after the orders are placed. This allows us to sell our items at a SALE PRICE because we aren't sitting on extra inventory. This also allows us to offer different colors on many of our larger everyday items. We are committed to getting your orders completed and ready for pickup or shipping within 5 business days after your order is placed. When ordering we encourage you to use our BUY NOW option that is below this post on our blog -
This will help us process your order quicker!! When using the BUY NOW option below you are able to process your payment using your Pay Pal account or a Credit or Debit Card. We still accept payment at the time of pick up if this payment process works better for you. If you choose the BUY NOW option to purchase your items, please email us with the details of your order at

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday, April 11th
I feel so blessed and am very grateful for everything I have. I spent the day yesterday on vacation from cleaning, work, the phone and email. I slept most of the day and really enjoyed it. LOL... I wish I could tell you I was in Hawaii soaking up the sun and drinking a BIG Icy Diet Dr. Pepper, but I actually went on a much more expensive vacation to the hospital for surgery. I experienced my first lumpectomy and everything went well. I am feeling much better today now that the anesthesia has worn off. Boy, I have a hard time waking up from that stuff. I am feeling a little sore, but am being spoiled by my sweet Eric and kids. They are treating me much better than anyone in Hawaii could. (SMILE) I am so glad this part is behind us and we can move on to treatment and get this silly cancer beat! Thank you to everyone for your sweet emails, cards, flowers and well wishes. We have the most amazing friends and family! We love you all!!!
We have a FANTASTIC SALE ITEM today. We have had several inquiries about our beds lately, so today we are putting our Queen Beadboard Bed on Sale. Retail: $799.00 on Sale for $399.50. This bed comes with the Headboard, Footboard and Two Side Rails. This bed is available in Antique White or Black. If you would like a different color, we would love to work with you on this. There may be an addition charge for custom paint colors. You are welcome to contact us with any questions you may have. You can email us at or call us at 435-755-8471.
As most of you know we hand craft all of our SALE ITEMS after the orders are placed. This allows us to sell our items at a SALE PRICE because we aren't sitting on extra inventory. This also allows us to offer different colors on many of our larger everyday items. We are committed to getting your orders completed and ready for pickup or shipping within 5 business days after your order is placed. When ordering we encourage you to use our BUY NOW option that is below this post on our blog - will help us process your order quicker!! When using the BUY NOW option below you are able to process your payment using your Pay Pal account or a Credit or Debit Card. We still accept payment at the time of pick up if this payment process works better for you. If you choose the BUY NOW option to purchase your items, please email us with the details of your order at

Monday, April 9, 2012

Tuesday, April 10th

Good Morning Friends! First of all, so sorry we didn't have a post yesterday. As we continue this crazy "Cancer Journey" I found myself taking care of our home, kids and visiting with many friends today. We will post a Drawing Winner next Monday for the item we posted next week. For any of you who did not enter and would love too, please leave a comment or send us an email and we will enter your name into the weekly drawing.

We also have a FANTASTIC Summer Sale Item for today..... This is another Favorite Item! This darling Welcome Wreath Shutter Is Another Favorite of mine. Great for Summer & Fall. Retail: $29.00 - On Sale for 50% Off - Sale Price is $14.50.

As most of you know we hand craft all of our SALE ITEMS after the orders are placed. This allows us to sell our items at a SALE PRICE because we aren't sitting on extra inventory. This also allows us to offer different colors on many of our larger everyday items. We are committed to getting your orders completed and ready for pickup or shipping within 5 business days after your order is placed. When ordering we encourage you to use our BUY NOW option that is below this post on our blog - will help us process your order quicker!! When using the BUY NOW option below you are able to process your payment using your Pay Pal account or a Credit or Debit Card. We still accept payment at the time of pick up if this payment process works better for you. If you choose the BUY NOW option to purchase your items, please email us with the details of your order at

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Saturday, April 7th

Happy Easter and welcome to ~Make Your House A Home~. First of all, I am so grateful to have such good friends. So many of you have sent kind messages through facebook, email and written cards! Thank You All SO Much! It means the world to me and my sweet family. So, Thank You from all of us, especially for all the prayers that have been offered on our behalf!!

For Today's Post I wanted to show you some new decorating items I have purchased or created over the past few weeks. This Super Cool ROOSTER (yes, I was a child of the 80's when cool was a "Cool" word) was a birthday present from my sweet Kiddo's. Isn't he awesome??? I put him in my kitchen with a set of my favorite bowls I purchased when our retail store was open. I added a little bundle of berries and LOVE This Display. A Big hug and kiss to my kids. They know me all too well!!

My Sweet Eric found this Awesome (yes, that is another 80's word) Rustic Milk Can and brought it home for me. I tied some light tan burlap fabric around the top in a knot and placed this in my kitchen. I can't help but wonder about the history of this can..... maybe I don't want to know. Thanks My Dear! I absolutely Love It!!!

This picture shows a couple of items, but the one I want you to notice is the Antique White Shutter on the right side of the door. We found this shutter/door at the DI and just had to get it. It actually came with two of these shutters attached. I took them apart and Eric sprayed them an antique white for me. Because they are older, some of the paint we used peeled off which is perfect for the look I was going for. I took a sander to the other edges I wanted sanded and moved it into the house. (As soon as I possibly could of course) I placed a quilted runner over the top and a Quad 8X10 frame with pictures of my super cute kids in front. This was a fun and super quick project.

How About A Picture Frame? This next item was a gift we gave to Eric for Christmas. He actually took this picture last fall of me and the kids, but I had it printed for him and had one of our employees build this frame. (Thanks to our Favorite D!) It was supposed to go on his desk at work, but he never took it with him. Of course I snatched it and worked it into display on our hutch in the front room. I have twig balls and a berry garland behind it (which is hard to see). I also placed a block in front of the pictures that has a fantastic quote from President Gordon B. Hinckley on it. It says "Forget Yourself & Get To Work". I love having inspirational sayings around our house. I just hope my kids are reading them as much as I do!!

This is another very simple Idea. How about a Burlap Bow On A Frame? I have this wonderful picture of our Savior in our home. We actually met the artist and had him sign this for our children. I placed this picture on a easel, but it needed a little more. I cut a piece of dark burlap fabric about 4" wide and tied it around the frame. I just tied it in a knot and it added so much. Something so easy added a very warm look to an already warm & loving picture.

I also created a new Table Display in my kitchen. I rotated my table so it was against the wall that my large twig wreath is hanging on. I placed one of my roosters in the middle, placed the Green Flour container full of florals to the right and placed a super cute basket to the left. I found this rustic rolling pin at a thrift store and had to add it to this grouping. I also placed a large piece of dark burlap on the table as a table cloth. This is super easy and quick to move when we sit down for breakfast or dinner. I really enjoy moving things around in my house. It refreshes things and is a great excuse to clean behind things.

Well, that is all for today! I hope you have all enjoyed our fun projects!

Enjoy Your Week & Happy Easter!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Friday "Freebies" - April 6th

Good Morning and Happy Holidays (if you live in Cache Valley). I was loving the SUN and did not want to wake up to a Winer Wonderland. Bummer!!! I guess we better post a fun SUMMER SALE ITEM today to remind us that Summer will come. How about this darling Welcome Watermelon - Retail: $29.00 - On Sale for $14.50 - which is another 50% savings.

Because it is "Friday Freebies" if you purchase this Welcome Watermelon, you will receive this "Enjoy The Sunshine" Skinny Mini Sign (Retail Value $8.00) FREE!!!

As most of you know we hand craft all of our SALE ITEMS after the orders are placed. This allows us to sell our items at a SALE PRICE because we aren't sitting on extra inventory. This also allows us to offer different colors on many of our larger everyday items. We are committed to getting your orders completed and ready for pickup or shipping within 5 business days after your order is placed. When ordering we encourage you to use our BUY NOW option that is below this post on our blog - will help us process your order quicker!! When using the BUY NOW option below you are able to process your payment using your Pay Pal account or a Credit or Debit Card. We still accept payment at the time of pick up if this payment process works better for you. If you choose the BUY NOW option to purchase your items, please email us with the details of your order at

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thursday, April 5th

Good Morning OTA Friends! So I am getting this post out much earlier today and apologize for the crazy schedule with all of our post this past couple weeks. I have debated whether or not to post this because it is somewhat personal, but we thought it would be a good idea to let you all know what is going on around our crazy home. The Ugly Cancer Monster has struck our family once again and I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer this past Friday. We have been so blessed because we found it early! We have a 99% chance of beating this which is awesome! Of course there will be surgery and treatment which doesn't sound very fun to me, but all is well. It is amazing how much we appreciate the great things in life and the things that really matter when we are giving hard trials. I am so grateful for the greatest husband in the world. He has been amazing and is truly my best friend. My kids are awesome! A few tears were shed when we told them, but they are back to normal and loving me more than I thought they could. I have never had so many hugs, kisses and I Love You Mom's. The rest of our family and friends have been awesome. We have been in great spirits, but I won't lie, I have had moments of tears, but that is usually because of the sweet and kinds things that have been done and said, not the cancer itself.

The reason I wanted to share this with you is to let you know we will be going on as usual. If it does take us a little longer to return your call or email you, it may be because we are dealing with this crazy trial. We will try and keep things normal, but we may have a hickup every now and then. We will continue to post sale items every day and continue to get the orders out as quickly as possible. Please continue to order as usual!! We appreciate all of you for supporting our business and purchasing our creations.

Whew, Ok, enough of the cancer story, let's get on to something fun.

How about a New SALE Item for today???

We designed these Lazy Days Of Summer Blocks last year and Love Them! Some of you made them at our ~Make It With Mandy~ Craft class last summer. We are offering them as a sale item today. Regular Price is $28.00 - On Sale for 50% OFF - Sale Price is $14.00.

As most of you know we hand craft all of our SALE ITEMS after the orders are placed. This allows us to sell our items at a SALE PRICE because we aren't sitting on extra inventory. This also allows us to offer different colors on many of our larger everyday items. We are committed to getting your orders completed and ready for pickup or shipping within 5 business days after your order is placed. When ordering we encourage you to use our BUY NOW option that is below this post on our blog - will help us process your order quicker!! When using the BUY NOW option below you are able to process your payment using your Pay Pal account or a Credit or Debit Card. We still accept payment at the time of pick up if this payment process works better for you. If you choose the BUY NOW option to purchase your items, please email us with the details of your order at

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wednesday, April 4th -

Hey Everyone!! We are loving Spring Break and the beautiful weather!! We hope you are all having a great week too! We have a GREAT SALE ITEM today. We have a Quad 5X7 Frame On Sale for 50% OFF today. Retail: $45.00 - On Sale For $22.50. This is a FANTASTIC Price. Over all dimensions of this frame are 30" Long X 11" Tall. Available in Black, Antique White, Bing Cherry Red and Sweet Annie Green.

As most of you know we hand craft all of our SALE ITEMS after the orders are placed. This allows us to sell our items at a SALE PRICE because we aren't sitting on extra inventory. This also allows us to offer different colors on many of our larger everyday items. We are committed to getting your orders completed and ready for pickup or shipping within 5 business days after your order is placed. When ordering we encourage you to use our BUY NOW option that is below this post on our blog - will help us process your order quicker!! When using the BUY NOW option below you are able to process your payment using your Pay Pal account or a Credit or Debit Card. We still accept payment at the time of pick up if this payment process works better for you. If you choose the BUY NOW option to purchase your items, please email us with the details of your order at

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday, April 3rd

Hey Friends! I hope you are all have a great day! We have been posting some fun Summer Items as Sale Items these past few days and thought we would add another favorite!! These Jumbo SUMMER Letters are perfect for a summer display. Add some greenery around the letters, some frames with your children or grandchildren's summer pictures and TaDaa! Darling~ Retail: $28.00 - On Sale for 50% OFF - Sale Price is $14.00. These colors are available in Bing Cherry Red (shown below), Antique Gold and Sweet Annie Green. Perfect Colors for Summer. If you would rather order then unfinished and paint them yourself, the price is the same. Enjoy Your Day!!

As most of you know we hand craft all of our SALE ITEMS after the orders are placed. This allows us to sell our items at a SALE PRICE because we aren't sitting on extra inventory. This also allows us to offer different colors on many of our larger everyday items. We are committed to getting your orders completed and ready for pickup or shipping within 5 business days after your order is placed. When ordering we encourage you to use our BUY NOW option that is below this post on our blog - will help us process your order quicker!! When using the BUY NOW option below you are able to process your payment using your Pay Pal account or a Credit or Debit Card. We still accept payment at the time of pick up if this payment process works better for you. If you choose the BUY NOW option to purchase your items, please email us with the details of your order at

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday, April 2nd

The Sunshine is BEAUTIFUL!!! It sure brightens up the day when the sun is shining!! And a big WooHoo to everyone enjoy Spring Break this week. Spring Break is awesome! We have a FANTASTIC Sale Item today! We have this super cute Bead Board Bird House. I have had many requests for this item to be a Sale Item, so here we go!! Retail: $31.00 - On Sale for 50% Off - Sale Price: $15.50. This birdhouse is available in Antique White, Bing Cherry Red and Sweet Annie Green (posted in previous posts). They all go great with this sunflower.

As most of you know we hand craft all of our SALE ITEMS after the orders are placed. This allows us to sell our items at a SALE PRICE because we aren't sitting on extra inventory. This also allows us to offer different colors on many of our larger everyday items. We are committed to getting your orders completed and ready for pickup or shipping within 5 business days after your order is placed. When ordering we encourage you to use our BUY NOW option that is below this post on our blog - will help us process your order quicker!! When using the BUY NOW option below you are able to process your payment using your Pay Pal account or a Credit or Debit Card. We still accept payment at the time of pick up if this payment process works better for you. If you choose the BUY NOW option to purchase your items, please email us with the details of your order at

Monday, April 2nd -

Good Morning Friends!! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We apologize we didn't have a ~Make Your House A Home~ post on Saturday and that our Friday post was so late. We had a crazy weekend and just couldn't get to that. I actually really missed writing the post for Saturday, so we will definitely have one this Saturday! We have a winner for last week's Welcome Shutter. Congratulations to Tami Lewis! Give us a call and we can set up a time for you to pick up your Welcome Shutter.

We have a New Drawing Item today. This table box is the same one we offered at our last ~Make It With Mandy~ craft night. It is 24" Long x 12" Wide. It is perfect for any table. If you would like your name entered into our drawing this week, please leave a comment on this post or email us at If you are a follower of our blog, please mention that and we will enter your name into the drawing five times!! You will have a much better chance of winning. If you are not a follower of our blog, please become one!