Welcome To On The Avenue Home Decor & Gifts. Years ago my husband and I bought our first home. It was a very old home and needed a lot of tender love and care. I had the vision of what I wanted and my husband was able to help me bring it to life. As we began building and creating items for our home, we had another idea..... What if we started our own business and offered our creations to others who share the same love and passion for decorating as we do. Here we are, 17 years later, sharing our creations and designs with friends everywhere.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Good Morning OTA Friends!!!!
We are super excited to announce our 

We will be posting our $12.00 Tuesday sales on this website from now on!!!  Make sure you jump over and check out all the items we have on sale now!!!

ORDER Today and SAVE!!!

Check Out Our Weekday Sale items!!

Join our Monthly Subscription Group!!!

Thanks for sharing part of your day
with us here at 
[On The Avenue- Bringing Comfort Home]